Sang's the 1:Part 10

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**Mr. Blackbourne's POV**

"Mr. Blackbourne," Mr. Morgan reinforced his statement to me "I think there's a very good hacker doing this. For whatever reason, they want this Sang Sorenson enrolled in our class badly." His eyes spoke questions he wanted me to answer but I could not as yet. ///Is it a spy? Does Hendricks know we're coming for him? Is it the Academy doing one of those random performance evaluation tactics? If this backer is even better than he seems, could we be in big trouble?\\\

But mainly, his eyes spoke one thing. ///This guy or girl is really good.\\\

" It would appear so, Mr. Morgan," I replied still staring at the computer screen as Mr. Morgan typed away setting up enough codes and firewalls to keep this from happening again.

It was exactly, I loomed at my wristwatch, 4am and by know we figured that whoever else was hacking should have been asleep. Mr. Morgan could lock the schedules and thereby put a stop to this nonsense.

"Done. Ive set up encrypted firewalls and changed the school's password to a 75 character code. It'd take the best hacker--by which I mean someone like Corey--uskng his fastest equipment at least 10 minutes to get through if all and I could back trace and catch his or her IP address in less than 6 minutes. If he or she tries it again, j will figure out who it is."

"Very well Mr. Morgan. I assume you have set up the computer to alert you if such a thing should occur, correct?"

" Yes sir, it will ping and say 'Hacker Alert' very loudly increasing in volume until my code is entered to shut it off. The code is Ashley9Waters9Hacker9Stopper2014. If the hacker tries to use a root and go through my files that way, it'll also alert me."

"Great work Mr. Morgan. Rest now."

I watched as Mr. Morgan nodded, yawned slightly, and moved to go lie down in his bed.

The dragon desk was a very amazing computer and only Victor and I could truly work it to its most efficient degree. The others could use it very well to varying degrees, but at its best, it was a thing to behold.

The next this hacker tried to change the schedules, be would have a very pissed off and sleepy Owen Blackbourne stopping him with the help of a very intelligent piece of technology. He would be caught and punished.

- - - - - - - 4:23 am (remember Will's part?) - - - - - - - - - 

Piiing piiing piiing piiing piiiing
Hacker Alert. Hacker Alert. Hacker Alert. Hacker Alert. Hacker Alert.
Lining piiing piiing lining lining
Hacker Alert. hacker alert. Hacker Alert. Hacker alert. Hacker Alert. 
Piiing piiing piii---

I was quietly scanning through some stock websites and researching locations for homes that I could buy and resell for a profit when the dragon desk began to ping and speak the alert. 

I saw Mr. Morgan sit up ready to jump into action but I simply waved him back. We's been on assignemrnt all night and spent the rest of the time re changing the class list. He needed to rest.

He did not lay back down, however, but chose to remain watching.

I quickly entered Mr. Morgan's code: Ashley9Waters9Hacker9Stopper2014

The dragon desk's AI (artificial intelligence) monitor brought up various screens going through them and discarding the unnecessary at a rapid pace.

Seconds later, a final screen appeared.

459, 307 places checked. 0 viruses found. 0 tracking cookies found. 0 hackers found. All back doors remain closed. System: Clear

He would not escape me that easily but I admit i was very impressed. 

Anyone who could hack Mr. Morgan's codes that easily and leave not a single trace was someone of great skill. The Academy would love to get their hands on him had he not been up to no good at the moment

I entered codes to a program I've been working on myself. The program was designed to 'freeze' any and everything on a system except myself of course. It would allow me to backtrace while also letting the other person believe he or she is still doing whatever nefarious thing they had been doing. It was like when you set a camera on a loop. The person watching would see the same thing over and over but think they were actually getting somewhere while you were able to do something else in reality.

I was going hunting.

I found the hacker in the schedules again. I watched as the person typed in Sang Sorenson into my Music class. 

The register only had the boys and an instrument on it.

North Taylor - drums
Lucian Taylor - triangle
Dakota Lee - French horn
Silas Korba - bass guitar
Gabriel Coleman - electric guitar 
Victor Morgan - piano
Nathan Griffin - saxophone

Some of these were indeed misleading as some of the boys played no instrument but that class period was to be set as our meeting time. If we had a real student in there as well, we would no longer have our time. Point proven, this Sang Sorenson was in way over his or her head.

That was another thing that confounded me. I could find no real records of a Sang Sorenson.

He or she bad no student I'd picture but a number--AW0806--and was registered in classes for the past four years, now re entering Ashley Waters as a senior.

There as a Bryan Sorenson who had graduated the past year and I found plenty on him. Straight A student rbe entire four years, father Brent Sorenson, mother Angela Soresnson, and now attends Vanderbilt, a prestigious university. 

I was able to find shot records, doctor visits, and even disciplinary action forms from his elementary school days. 

Yet this Sang Sorenson was a complete mystery. 

He or she was a ghost. Yes, the Academy would be very interested.

I watched the screen as this mystery hacked typed in Violin and then closed the registdd

He or she moved on to another area where he or she began installing locks on the list.

Encryptions began to run across the screen at a rapid pace and I watched astonished at how fast and accurately this person was breathing through Mr. Morgan's firewalls and installing his or her own. This person seriously wanted Sang Sorenson to join my classroom. 

I would allow it I decided. Sang Sorenson has now peaked my interest. 

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