Sang's the 1:Part 15

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**Sang's POV: The Fight**

We walked down the hall a little ways, neither of us speaking whatsoever. 

I was amped. He was...whatever.

After we turned a corner, I kept walking. I wanted to take him outside. Anyone in one of the trailers or classrooms with windows would be able to look out and see. I wanted his humiliation to be public.

I turned around to give him a chance to go find and apologize to Will. He was already glaring at me, his backpack thrown to the ground. "If you think you're going to beat me up, re-think it. I don't fear or respect you like the other idiots around here. And I'm not scared to hit a chick."

Then his fist was whipping out and smashing into my cheek.

Shit that stung.

I smiled through the pain. "Come on bitch boy. You hit a guy, you hit a girl, do it all with the same strength."

He looked confused. I began to slowly move to the side, starting to circle him a little. He moved with me.

"What are you talking about?"

"You hit Will," I shouted. "Heard you sent him to the doctor's office and everything."

I kept moving but now I was closer to him. I'd inched closer whole speaking. 

"You mean your little punk nerd? Yeah, I hit him so what? He had no business talking to me in the first place."

I threw out a right cross that connected and whipped his face to the side. He grunted but didn't acknowledge the hit anymore than that.

His foot came up aiming for my side and I did a forearm block knocking that pathetic attempt away.

"Of course I do. I'm gonna be with Rocky soon enough. And after he's gone, I'll be the 1. I'll show this school what a real 1 is supposed to be like." By his time, I knew he hated me having the rank I did. Asshole.

I threw a fake reverse punch and kicked out at the same time in a front kick. It connected solidly with his abdomen and he bent forwards slightly holding it as he tried to catch his breath. 

I spun quickly and delivered a roundhouse kick to his head.

He went down but didn't stay.

Seconds later, he stood and charged at me like a football player. He tackled me to the ground and was then straddling my hips as he threw punches as me.

I blocked a few and a few came through. That is, until I same his smirk ad he said "That punk didn't even out up this much of a fight you know? Im pretty sure I almost made him cry."

I screamed "Fuck you," and brought my leg up kicking him in the back of the head. I also reached forwards and boxed his ears.

He gripped his temples and swayed to the side hissing.

I used his momentum and pushed him so that we rolled over with me on top.

Immediately, I started throwing punches at him left and right. He blocked some, I admit but I was punching too fast for him to block a majority and soon enough his face was satisfyingly bloody.

Still, I wasn't done. I had a message to deliver. 

(Warning: don't read the next line if you're kind of against vulgar language. You can just skip it.)

"If you ever put a fuckin finger on my brother again, I will personally rip your boy part off, and shove it up your ass."

Yes that creeped me out but I said it and I meant it. Still..ewww at the visual.

He snarled like a rabid dog and pushed at my chest. Damnit that hurt!

I flew backwards but jumped up as he did. We were both now standing circling each other like vultures waiting to swoop in for the perfect peck.

I heard the bell ring and knew we would be flooded with idiots chanting "Fight" soon but I wasn't done. I wouldnt be done until I had broken this rebellious spirit he had. Nobody got to hurt Will. Nobody.

He stumbled towards me. Instead of annoyance, caution was now dripping from his every movement.

I smirked at him. "Big bad Dewek had enough?," I baby voiced him.

There was not the predicted crowd filling in but I ignored them. Derek, however, seemed to puff up from their attached stares. 

Little did he realize, they were only there to watch him get his ass handed to him.

He charged at me again, obviously thinking he should go with what works. As soon as he got within hitting distance, I swept to the side and turned my body. Kicking out, I caught him behind the knees and he crumpled to the ground on all fours.

I moved around him in small circles, circles that got smaller and smaller with each passing lap. 

He moved his head with me until I got behind him when he wouls then jerk his whole body around. By that time I'd gotten just that bit closer. And I repeated this. Until. I. Was. Right. At. His throat.

I flicked my hand out and yanked his head to me. My thumb curved and the very end of it pressed at rhw pressure point behind his right ear while my middle finger was anchored on the other side of his nose ensuring he couldn't buck me off.

"Fuckin apologize you piece of shit." I winced. I wasn't always a curser so when I did it a lot, I noticed.

" I'm not--" I pressed in. His scream was slightly deafening. I shook my head to rid myself of the sound and let up on the pressure.

" What was that?" 

"I--i--" he refused to apologize but I could tell we both knew he was scared of me pressing that point again.

I looked around the circle of gathered students quickly. None of then were chanting anymore yet none looked sympathetic enough to help him like normal human beings would. No these were Ashley Waters students, a whole other breed of people.

AW students knew that fights like these were a normal part of everyday life. No one here worried about seeing someone in this much pain. It was a vicious circle. A vicious path. A vicious school. 

I took in a breath. I had to be vicious too. 

I grabbed his hair and pushed his head in towards my stomach keeping the other hand clenched right enough for him to know I can still press that point.

And then he did the unexpected. The crazy fucker bit me.

I saw a little blood on his lips so I knew he'd bitten exceptionally hard. 

I swung my fist connecting with the side of his head and twisted his body at the same time. Yanking Hus head down, I brought my knee up, and then...well, then I let his body fall to the ground. He was unconscious.

I knew I would soon start to shake. I always got wonky knees after something like that. So I made the best of the last of the adrenaline. I sent a roaming glass around the gathered students. 

None met my gaze and kept it for long until I reached about halfway through and saw Will. He looked at me and I saw the black around his eye that made me see red again.

Catching my eye, he gave me a subtle shake of his head. It silently told me "its done. You've proves your point. Don't hurt him any further."

I gave him a shaky nod. I was done here.

My eyes kept moving and landed in steel ones. That liquid power again except now it was pulsing. It was alive.

I saw admiration yet disappointment. And I felt a shaft of pain spear through me at the very thought that u had disappointed him. That he had seen me acting like a savage and found me lacking.

I felt ashamed of the brutality of what I had done.

Mr. Blackbourne had seen me enjoying causing someone pain. The sad part was thaf, if i could, the only thing I would change is him being here. And I'd change that I looked back over my shoulder hoping--in vain--to catch his eye and show him that it was necessary.

I'd still hurt Derek for hurting Will. I'd still smile at Derek's crumpled form on the ground. I'd still do as I do now; walk over to Will, slip an arm around his waist, and walk into the building just as outwardly unbothered as you please.

{I just realized my Sang hasn't met Sean yet.....gonna have to bring in some drama so she can meet her purple prince, yeah? For anyone reading, I hope you're enjoying it! Comment/ Share/Vote/ whatever you wannna do. Check out the other stories on my profile page if you want. I'll get to updating them all sooner or later. College is annoyingly time-consuming but hopefully it'll be even more rewarding in the end}

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