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At Lima
At McKinley
In The Choir Room

Jesse, Blaine, Sam, and Sebastian were picking songs for the prom. Will enters to see them. "Hey, guys what are you going?" Will asks them making the group look at him. "We are picking songs for prom." Sam said to him. "I see." Will said to him as Jesse walks over to her dad. "Did you see Jamey's text? He said he, Kurt, Cooper, and Santana are coming back for the prom." Jesse said to him making Will smile. "I feel like Jamey is not getting his work done in New York." Will said to her making Jesse look at him. "Well, he and Kurt are doing their work as we speak." Jesse said to him making Will put his hand on top of Jesse's head. "Okay, I guess that is fine." Will said to her as Sue walks into the room. "Hey there, Buttchin." Sue said to Will making everyone look at her. "Losers Leaders." Sue said to Sebastian, Sam, Blaine, and Jesse who gives her a look. "Now, seeing as how your students in the glee club come and go for weeks at a time with no explanation whatsoever, I'm sure that it will not come to you as a surprise that we have an abysmal attendance record at this school due to illness. Therefore, I am instituting mandatory vaccinations at this school, starting with your pansexual orgy of future patient zeroes, the glee club." Sue said to them. "When you say vaccinations, do you mean shots?" Sam asks her. "That's right, Imbecile Homeless Teen Drifter." Sue said to him while Sebastian moves Sam's hair behind his ear. " And we will begin with the polio vaccine." Sue said to them. "Sue, polio was all but eradicated in the 1950s." Will said to her. "Or so they'd have us believe. I saw a documentary last night on FDR, and it made me very suspicious about that glee kid in the wheelchair." Sue said to them. "Artie? He was in a car accident when he was a kid." Sebastian said to her. "Fact: there is a meningitis outbreak in Los Angeles. Fact: Mercedes Jones recently returned from Los Angeles..." Sue said and Sam cuts her off. "Wait, I cannot get a vaccination. Needles totally freak me out." Sam said to her making Sebastian put his arm around Sam. "Sue, I'm all about keeping the kids in this school healthy, but this is ridiculous." Will said to her. "Hey, I would watch your tone with me if I were you, Busted Timberfake. I'm not your coworker anymore. I'm your boss. And what I say goes. And if you and the glee club don't get your shots by the end of the week, you're fired." Sue said to him and she walks out.

 In The Hallways

The two couples were making their way to the nurse's office while Sam was getting scared. "Can we stop." Sam said to them making the three look at Sam. "Is something wrong, Sam?" Blaine asks him. "Yes, I am scared of needles and I don't want it in my arm." Sam said to them. "But everyone else already got their shots and if we don't do this my dad will not have a job." Jesse said to him. "I know but..." Sam said but he was cut off by Sebastian picking him up. "Sebastian, keep me down." Sam said to him as Sebastian walks to the nurse's office with Jesse and Blaine following.

In The Nurse's Office

The four enter the room and Sebastian puts down Sam who hits his arm. "I hate you." Sam said to him making Sebastian put his arms around Sam. "It's going to be okay." Sebastian said to him making Sam put his head on Sebastian's chest. "Are you here for your shots?" Penny asks them as she walks over to them. "Yes, we are." Blaine said to her. "Okay, who is first?" Penny asks them. "I will go first." Jesse said while sitting on the bed as Penny walks over to her with a needle. "Okay..." Penny said while putting the needle into Jesse's arm making Sam look away. "There you go next." Penny said as Jesse jumps off the bed and Blaine was next. "Sam..." Sebastian said look at him. "You will be fine, I am here for you." Sebastian said to him as Blaine jumps off of the bed. "Next." Penny said making Sebastian leave Sam's side to get his shot. Sebastian sits down on the bed and Penny gives him the shot, making Sam look away. "Sam..." Sebastian said making Sam look at him. "Your turn." Sebastian said to him and Sam walks over to him slowly. "Sit down." Sebastian said while he stands up and Sam sits down taking Sebastian's hand. Sam looks at Penny who had the needle in her hand. "To be honest, I'm kind of freaked out by needles, and even if I wasn't, I'd kind of be freaked out by you with a needle." Sam said to her. "Sam, look at me." Sebastian said making Sam look at him as Penny gets ready. "You can give him the shot." Sebastian said to Penny before Sam can say something Sebastian kisses him as Penny gives Sam the shot. "All done." Penny said to them making Sam pull away from Sebastian's lips and he looks at Penny. "What?" Sam asks her making Penny look at him. "You are done." Penny said to him making Sam look at Sebastian who gives him a smile. "Thank you." Sam said to him making Sebastian takes Sam's hand and he kisses it. "You welcome, my Sammy." Sebastian said to him making Sam smile while Jesse and Blaine watch them. Sam leads in for a kiss Sebastian making him puts his arm around Sam.

Glee - Homeward Bound Home Book 2Where stories live. Discover now