All You Need Is Love

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On The Road To Dalton

Emma, Will, and Jesse were driving to Dalton for Blaine to ask Jesse the question while Jesse didn't know anything about it all she knows is meeting her brothers at a café. "Why did Jamey and Sebastian go without us?" Jesse asks them. "Well, they find it on their way home." Emma said to her making Jesse think something is up. "But we always walk home together." Jesse said to her making Emma look at Will for help. "How does Blaine make you feel?" Will asks changing the subject making Jesse look at him. "He makes me feel so connected and safe and loved, and I don't think I'm ever gonna find someone else who's gonna make me feel like that." Jesse said to him. "You know, you go in with all these fantasies about what your life together is gonna be like: Nothing but laughing and dancing around in your underwear, cooking pasta, and sex." Emma said to her making Jesse confused about what she is talking about. "What?" Jesse said to her confused.

At Dalton

The three arrive at Dalton, Jesse exits the car and she looks at Dalton. "I thought we were going to a café." Jesse said while Emma and Will walk over to her. "What are we doing here?" Jesse asks him. "You'll see." Will said to her making Jesse more confused. Jesse hears music playing, All You Need Is Love by The Beatles making Jesse walks to the entrance of Dalton Academy. Jesse sees the Warblers on the top of the building and a band by the doorway.

The 3 Clubs
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
There's nothing you can do
That can't be done

Blaine sings while walking over to Jesse wearing a yellow suit.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Nothing you can sing
That can't be sung
(Love) Nothing you can say
But you can learn
How to play the game

Jesse smiles at him.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
It's easy

Blaine nods to Jesse to follow him. Jesse follows him into the school to see Finn, Quinn, Santana, and Mercedes.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Nothing you can make
That can't be made

Jesse hugs Santana who kiss Jesse's cheek. Jesse hugs Mercedes who was wearing a smile. Quinn gives Jesse a hug right when Mercedes pull away making Jesse laugh a little. Quinn lets go of Jesse and Finn gives Jesse a hug too.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
(Love) No one you can save
That can't be saved

Jesse turns around to see The Warblers dancing and singing the song.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Nothing you can do
But you can learn
How to be you in time
It's easy (Love)

Blaine walks away with Jesse following him to the hallway to see everyone.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love

Kitty and Marley hug Jesse with a smile on their faces.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love

Jesse walks away from the two girls to Artie who gives her a high five.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love, love

Jesse looks at Blaine who was smiling at her while the Warblers walk into the hallway.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
Love is all you need

The 3 Clubs
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love,
All you need is love,
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

Blaine walks closer to Jesse and sings to her as everyone stands in two lines.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Nothing you can know
That isn't known
Nothing you can see
That isn't shown

Everyone dances in the hallway while Jesse looks at them.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
There's nowhere you
Can be that isn't where
You're meant to be
It's easy

Blaine sings to her as Jesse's brothers, Sam and Kurt run over to Jesse. Her brothers take Jesse's hands pulling her away from Blaine who runs away. Jesse was pulled into the study room while Vocal Adrenaline was.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love

Jamey, Sebastian, Sam, Jesse, and Kurt enter the room to see Vocal Adrenaline dancing in blue dresses and the man in suits.

Blaine with The 3 Clubs
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need
(The 3 Clubs: Love is all you need)
All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love

Sam and Kurt take Jesse's hands and them to the stairs.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)

The five stand on top of the stairs and Jesse's brothers hug her with smiles on their faces. 

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)

Jesse starts walking down the stairs where Will and the show choirs were with the boys behind her. Rose petals start coming down from the top of the stairs as Jesse walks down the stairs.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)
Love is all you need
(Love is all you need)

Blaine walks over to the stairs while Jesse stops not too far from Blaine with Kurt, Sebastian, Sam, Jamey, and Kurt behind her.

Blaine (The 3 Clubs)
He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Love is all you need)
He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
(Love is all you need)
He loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah

Everyone claps when the song ends and Blaine begins his proposal speech as everyone watches intently. "I met Jesse in the choir room, yes but I thought asking her here was better. Some of you guys know that I am not in the habit of trying to find someone who I don't even know, but...I think that my soul knew something that my body and my mind didn't know yet." Blaine said looking at Jesse who was waiting to see where this was going. "It knew that our hands were meant to hold each other, fearlessly and forever. Which is why it's never really felt like I've been getting to know you; it's always felt like I was remembering you from something." Blaine said taking a step closer to Jesse. "As if in every life time that you and I have ever lived, we have chosen to come back and find each other and fall in love all over again, over and over for all eternity." Blaine said taking another step closer to Jesse who was listening to him. "And I just feel so lucky that I found you so soon in this lifetime, because all I want to do, all-all I've ever wanted to do...Is spend my life loving you." Blaine said to her making Jesse smile at him. "So..." Blaine said while Finn hands him the ring box. "Jesse Schuester..." Blaine said while going down on one knee making Jesse realize what he was going to ask her. "My amazing friend, my one true love..." Blaine said and he opens the box so Jesse can see the ring. "Will you marry me?" Blaine asks her making everyone look at Jesse waiting for an answer. Jesse's family can see she was getting shortness of breath. Jamey and Sebastian walk over to her. "You okay?" Jamey asks her while everyone can see Jesse was trembling. "Yeah, I am fine. I just lost myself there for a minute." Jesse said as she stops trembling and she looks at Blaine. "Are you sure about this Blaine? What if I can't make you happy." Jesse said to him. "You will like you are doing now and every day before this day." Blaine said to her with a smile making Jesse look at her parents who were giving her a smile. Jesse turns behind her to see her brothers, Sam and Kurt were giving her smiles. Jesse turns back to Blaine with an answer. "Yes, I will marry you." Jesse said to him making Blaine smile as everyone cheers for them while Blaine walks up to Jesse and gives her a long kiss while everyone applauds excitedly. Blaine pulls away from Jesse and he puts the ring on her finger. Jesse smiles at it while Blaine puts on his own making Jesse laugh a little and the two shares a hug.

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