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In Lima
Later At McKinley
In The Auditorium

Blaine was waiting for Will to ask him for his blessing. "Blaine, you wanted to see me." Will said walking over to Blaine who looks at him."I wanted to formally ask for your permission to ask Jesse to marry me." Blaine said making Will shock to hear that. "You know you two are too young for that, right?" Will ask him. "Jesse is my soulmate." Blaine said to Will. "Blaine it means a lot to me that you love Jesse." Will said to him asking Blaine to smile widen more. "So you're saying that you're okay with me asking for her hand." Blaine said to him. "Jesse, been thought a lot. She is my little girl and I have to make sure she is okay with her life here. You don't really get what it is to be married. Straight, gay, or bi it's not the same as living together." Will said while Blaine was not happy. "Look, I can tell you why but something happens when you exchange vows. It's a big deal. It's why getting divorced is so much harder than breaking up. It's just a really big difference between marrying a person and marrying an idea." Will said to him. "What if she meets someone else?" Blaine asks him. "You think you two were meant to be?" Will asks him. "Yes." Blaine answers him. "Do you think you two have true love?" Will ask him another question. "Yes!" Blaine yelled at him. "Then Jesse will not leave you for someone else." Will said to him. "How do you know that though?" Blaine asks him. "When two people love each other as you two do. Everything works out." Will said to him making Blaine looks down trying out to cry. "But I want to marry her. She is the reason why I wake up in the morning." Blaine said while smiling and he looks at Will again. "She is everything I need." Blaine said to them making Will nod a little. "You can ask her for hand." Will said making Blaine smile. "Really?"Blaine asks happily. "Yeah, Jesse needs someone to love her besides her family and friends. And I know you will make her happy as the two of you grow old together." Will said to him making Blaine nod happily knowing he can ask Jesse to marry him.

At McKinley
In The Teacher's Room

Jamey walks into the room to see Burt waiting for him. "Hey." Jamey said to him making Burt look at him as Jamey sits down in front of him. "Hey, Jamey. What's up?" Burt asks him. "I am thinking about asking Kurt to marry me." Jamey said to him making Burt shocked to hear that. "What does your family think about this?" Burt asks him making Jamey look away from him. "Only Sebastian knows but I am planning on telling them after this." Jamey said to him making Burt sit back in his chair. "Jamey, you show nothing but kindness to Kurt when he started at this school. I guess Kurt was in love with you because of your personality." Burt said to him and he looks into Jamey's eyes. "Your personality makes you who are and you went through a lot and your personality help you and everyone around you. I love to have you a part of my family." Burt said to him making Jamey smile. "I know you make Kurt happy and that is what I want for my son." Burt said to him and he stands up. "You have my permission to ask Kurt to marry you." Burt said to him, Jamey stands up. "Thank you." Jamey said with a smile. "Your welcome now I am going home to tell my wife." Burt said to him and he walks out leaving Jamey smiling.

At The Evans Household

Sebastian finds Sam's parents' house it was a little house but it was big enough for Sam's family. Sebastian walks to the front to see Sam's little siblings running around in front while Dwight and Mary were watching them. Sebastian makes his way to the house not having a lot of time before the group number starts. "Sebastian!" Stevie yelled while running over to Sebastian who picks him up. "Hey, Stevie." Sebastian said to him while he walks into the front of the house. "Where is Sammy?" Stevie asks him while Stacey hugs Sebastian's leg. "Well, I am here to talk to your dad and mom." Sebastian said to him and he puts Stevie down. "Okay, they are there." Stacey said to him while Sebastian stands up. "Thank you." Sebastian said to him and he walks over to Dwight and Mary. "Hello, Sebastian. What can we do for you?" Dwight asks him as Sebastian sits down with them while the kids start playing again in the front. "You two know about how I feel about Sam. He is handsome, kind, intelligent, and loving guy a man could ever ask for." Sebastian said to him making Sam's parents smile at him. "We've been together for the longest time, he was by my side when I didn't remember things and my fear of the water. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone else but him." Sebastian said making the two look at each other knowing where this was going. "I am thinking it's time to move the relationship to the next level." Sebastian said making the two look at him again. "I would like to ask him to marry me and I'm here today to ask you for your blessing." Sebastian said to them. "We remember how Sam was when you were missing." Mary said making Sebastian look at her. "He was listening to voice messages and watching videos of you and him. He wanted you to come back home, he almost left your house to come back here." Mary said to him making Sebastian look at his hands.  "But when he found out that you were alive." Dwight said making Sebastian look at him. "He was alive again even if you had amnesia he wanted to be by your side." Dwight said to him and Mary walks over to Sebastian making him look at her. "I think he can't imagine living his life without you in it." Mary said to him making Sebastian smile. "You have our blessing to ask him." Dwight said to him making  Sebastian look at him. "Are you guys sure?" Sebastian asks them. "Yes, he is already going to New York with you. Just remember to ask us to the wedding." Dwight said to him making Sebastian stand up. "Thank you." Sebastian said to them making Dwight walk over to him. "Thank you for coming back home." Dwight said to him making Sebastian smile at him.

At McKinley
In The Teacher's Room

Sebastian and Jamey were waiting for Emma, Will, and Jesse to arrive. "WHERE IS THE FIRE!!" Jesse yelled while running into the room making the brothers look at her as Will and Emma enter the room. "There is no fire, Jess." Will said to her and he looks at his sons. "What's up, you two?" Will asks them while the three walk over to Sebastian and Jamey. "We have been thinking about asking our lovers to marry us." Sebastian said to them making them surprised to hear that. "I didn't see that coming but I knew it was coming but..." Jesse said making Will put his hand on her mouth. "This is great news, you guys." Will said to them while removing his hand from Jesse. "If this makes you happy, we are happy." Emma said to them with a smile. "You guys are taking this very well." Jamey said to them. "We love you guys and we want you three to be happy even if you ask your lovers to marry you. I feel like it is happening a lot in that choir room." Will said to them thinking about Blaine when he asked him if he can marry Jesse. "Family hug." Emma said to them making the brothers walk over to them and the family share a hug. "I love you guys, no matter what." Will said to the four with a smile.

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