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Jamey Outfit

Jesse Outfit

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Jesse Outfit

Sebastian Outfit

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Sebastian Outfit

In LimaAt McKinley In The Choir Room

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In Lima
At McKinley 
In The Choir Room

Everyone was doing their own thing until Will arrives. Jesse was playing around with the drums with Ryder while Sebastian was playing with a guitar with Sam while the group is being very rowdy and messing around with instruments. Blaine walks into the choir to give them some news. "Hey, um, guys!" Blaine yelled but they didn't hear him over the playing instruments. "Guys...New Directions! New Directions!" Blaine yelled making everyone look at him. "I just ran into Mr. Shue, and he's gonna be stuck in his classroom for the rest of the afternoon because of some school board inspection thing, but he still wanted us to meet so we can start working on ideas for nationals." Blaine said to them. "Beyoncé!" Unquie yelled and everyone starts to shout out random ideas. "This is anarchy!" Blaine yelled at them making everyone turn to him. "We can't...we can't all just shout at the same time." Blaine said to them. "That's better. I have some ideas already. I'm thinking that the music needs to be really simple, so we can really highlight our voices. No guitars, or nothing electronic. We go with a simple piano arrangement. Which I could play." Blaine said to them. "I'm assuming you're singing lead?" Kitty asks him. "Well, I am a senior, and this is my last go at it." Blaine said to her with a smile while Kitty gives him the 'WTF' face. "We need to win this." Blaine said to them. "Well, feels like North Korea up in here." Tina said to him. "Okay, forget the piano. Forget all the music. We could just do, um, Acappella, that always works." Blaine said to them. "Déjà Warblers. Should we wear matching blazers, too?" Unique asks him as everyone starts to get mad. "Let's take it back...What was wrong with the guitars?" Sam asks him while Jesse and Sebastian look at each other. "Nothing, why can't you guys just stop resisting me for a second, and just go with me?" Blaine asks them. "Okay, Blaine Jong-il." Tina said to him. "Yes! Blaine Jong-il" Sam said to her. "I am not trying to be bossy. I am trying to give the benefit of my experience. I have won more show choir competitions than anyone in this room." Blaine said to them making everyone look at him with a 'WTF' or 'What' face. "Blaine." Jesse said to him. "You suck." Ryder said while coughing. "Acapella is worth a shot. Let's do it." Jake said taking Blaine's side. "Thank you." Blaine said to him. "Then you two can have fun in your little barbershop couplet while the rest of us discuss something good." Unquie said to him. "Fine. You don't want my help..." Blaine said taking his bag and books. "Then I am not gonna give it." Blaine said getting pouty and sits out for the rest of the rehearsal in a chair in Mr. Schuester's office. "Looks like somebody's man-struating." Kitty said to them. "I heard that." Blaine said to her.

After Glee Club Meeting

Sebastian, Sam, and Jesse walk into the choir room's office where Blaine is still sitting. Before the three can talk to him, Blaine starts starting talking to them. "Mr. Shue asked for ideas for nationals. And when I gave some genius ones, everyone got all mad and started dissing me. Maybe I came on too strong. But since when is that a bad thing?" Blaine asks them hoping they will take his side. "You got to remember that everyone in that room has an equal vote." Jesse said to him making Blaine look at her. "And we don't just say, I want a solo and you are not Rachel." Sam said to him. "And everyone thinks you are being a puppet master." Sebastian said to him making Blaine look at Jesse. "Do you think I am a puppet master too?" Blaine asks her making Jesse make a face. "Yes, I do." Jesse said to him making Blaine nods a little mad. "So..." Jesse said kneels down to Blaine. "I want you to stop this and work with us." Jesse said to him making Blaine nod and Jesse kisses his cheek making Blaine smile.

In New York
At Endwell, Broome County
In Friends Household

Pamela Lansbury was in the living room for a meeting. "Thank you, Team Pamela Lansbury, for assembling on such short notice." Kurt said to everyone with a smile. "So what's up with this emergency meeting?" Quinn asks him. "What's up is I just booked our band's debut gig!" Kurt said to them. "Amazing. Where? When?" Elliott asks him. "Later today at the Greenwich Village hot-spot Callbacks." Kurt said to them. "NYADA's premier piano bar." Cooper said to them with a smile. "Hold on, isn't that a Broadway hangout?" Dani asks Kurt. "Well, traditionally, but I talked to the manager, and he says that Thursdays are kind of their dead nights. So we can go in and do whatever we want." Kurt said to her while Jamey puts his hand on Kurt's lower body making Kurt put his hands around Jamey. "No way, we cannot debut there. That is instant career suicide." Santana said to him. "Yeah, Kurt, look, not to overstep, but I-I follow a lot of bands just starting out, and it's kind of all about the launch. You know, getting music critics out to see you, and that's a lot easier with the right venue." Elliott said to him. "Oh, come on, Callbacks is a real funky place. You know, they've got tons of history." Kurt said removing his arms from Jamey. "Yeah, but I can't think of a single band that started out there. I mean, it's not like The Bitter End or the Mercury Lounge, or..." Elliott said to him and he was cut off by Dani. "Yeah, and if people associate that place with show tunes, nobody's gonna come out for..." Dani said to him. "Our covers of Madonna's greatest hits? I disagree, Dani." Kurt said to her. "Calm down." Jamey said to him making Kurt put his head on Jamey's chest. "Oh, so we're back to the whole Madonna thing?" Elliot asks him making Kurt look at him. "Yes, it was my first impulse." Kurt said to them while he removes his head from Jamey. "Okay, look, guys, I know it's untraditional, but you have to trust me. I was there at Callbacks. I saw it all, a vision of perfect clarity. Every seat was occupied. A quiet hush fell over the expectant crowd. As Pamela Lansbury made their way to the stage it begins." Kurt said to them making the group think about it. "I think it will be fine." Jamey said making everyone look at him. "Yes, it's not a big place but it's better than nothing." Jamey said to them. "I guess you are right." Santana said to him. "We will do it." Quinn said to them with a smile making Kurt smile. "Thank you guys." Kurt said to them.

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