Negative Thoughts

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In New York
Later At Hunter

"So, you get an interview for this school and you didn't tell me." Sebastian said to Sam as the two walks to the office. "Because I didn't want to go here in the first place." Sam said to him making Sebastian look at him. "Why?" Sebastian asks him making Sam look at him. "It's too far from your school." Sam said making Sebastin stop walking. "What?" Sebastian said as Sam stands in front of him. "I thought maybe I can get you food when you are on break or something but this school is so far from you. I thought if I can give this interview a try to get into the school maybe it can help us later." Sam said to him making Sebastian put his hand on Sam's cheek. "That is so adorable but I am fine with whatever school you go to." Sebastian said to him as he gets closer to Sam. "If you want to go here you can go here." Sebastian said to him and the two share a kiss.

In The Office

Sebastian and Sam sit down in front of Arwyyd Johnson. "I see your grades have improved over the past couple of semesters." Arwyyd said to Sam. "Yeah, I kind of had an, um...a breakthrough a few months ago, 'cause I'm-I'm not, like, a...a good student, but I realize that what I'm really good at is impressions, so, I started to do this impression of a good high school student, and's kind of working." Sam said to her and Sebastian can see he was nervous. "Okay. Tell me why you want to go to Hunter." Arwyyd said to Sam. "Um, I-I don't know that much about it, except that there...well, there's more women than guys, and that's...that's great for me, because I'm totally into feminist issues. Like, just because women don't make as much as guys do to do the same job, it's totally not cool that they aren't given the same amount of respect. And, like, why can't...? Well, why can guys go shirtless at the beach, but chicks can't? Oh. Sorry. Uh...girls can't. I guess even I have a lot to learn still. I'm also super jazzed to be going to school in New York City. ♪ Hello. ♪  All the diversity. Oh. So, you're black. That's...That-that must be interesting." Sam said to her making Sebastian rub his eyes as the lady closes her folder. 

At Endwell, Broome County
In Friends Household
In The Kitchen

Sebastian walks into the kitchen to see Kurt give Sam something to eat. "Oh, thanks, but I'm...I'm not hungry." Sam said to him as Sebastian walks over to Sam. "Thank you, Kurt." Sebastian said to him as Kurt walks out of the kitchen. Sebastian sits down next to Sam and he puts Sam's hair behind his ear. "Look, I'm sure that there are other schools that have more specific scholarships catered just for you." Sebastian said to him making Sam look at him. "I...I don't want to go to college." Sam said to him as Sebastian plays with Sam's hair. "I hate school. I mean, I don't...I don't hate it. I'm just...I'm not good at it." Sam said to him. "Well, who says you have to?" Sebastian said to him. "Well, I mean, ever since I was a kid I've seen these United Negro College Fund commercials, and it's, like, if you don't go to college, you're letting your whole family down, or you're destined for a life of eating out of Dumpsters or something. I don't know." Sam said to him as Sebastian takes his hand. "So...please don't judge me." Sam said to him as he leans into Sebastian's chest. "I am not judging you. In life, it's not about knowing what you want. It's about knowing what you can cross off your list that you don't want." Sebastian said to him as he puts his arms around Sam. "But I do know what I want to do. I mean, it's been my dream since I was a kid. Male modeling is pretty much the ultimate form of self-expression as far as I'm concerned. It's like acting or singing, but the only tools you have to perform with are your striking good looks and great abs." Sam said to him making Sebastian laugh a little. "There is some truth to that." Sebastian said to him. "All right, I have this vision. You know, it's just so clear in my head. I'm in Hollywood... and that's at one of those huge studios where they, uh, made Transformers and stuff. This bus pulls up, and there's a picture of me on it, and I'm in my underwear. Calvin Klein or something. My junk is as big as a car. And I look at it, and it's awesome." Sam said to him making Sebastian smile a little as Sam moves again from him. "You probably think I'm crazy, right?" Sam asks him making Sebastian move the food Kurt made for him closer to Sam. "All right, eat up. You're gonna need your strength. Jamey already find a photographer and we are gonna have a photoshoot here, and we're gonna get some modeling shots for you to show to agencies." Sebastian said to him. "Do you really think I could be a male model?" Sam asks him making Sebastian lean closer to Sam's face. "Welcome to New York, the city where dreams come true." Sebastian said to him and he puts his hand on Sam's neck. "And I know you will be one." Sebastian said to him making Sam smile and the two share a kiss. After a few minutes, the two pull away from each other. "Now eat." Sebastian said to him making Sam smile a little. 

In Jesse and Blaine's Room

Jesse was helping Blaine with an outfit for his NYADA audition. "Maybe a red shirt can make you pop." Jesse said picking up Blaine's shirt while Blaine was watching her seeing how much energy Jesse is putting into his audition outfit his feelings of guilt become too big. Jesse walks over to her outfit and she looks in between the two. "But it will not work with my outfit." Jesse said to him while looking at the two. "I don't know what I am talking about." Jesse said to herself making Blaine laugh a little. "Uh, Jess wait. Just stop." Blaine said making her look at him. "I have to tell you something." Blaine said to her. "Okay..." Jesse said to him putting the shirt down. "I don't want to audition for NYADA." Blaine said to her. "Why?" Jesse asks him. "NYADA is just a performing arts school that's all you can study there. I have other passions, other interests, I might want to explore in college." Blaine said to her. "For instance?" Jesse asks him. "I don't know. You know how much I love kids, and I'd love to be a teacher like Mr.Shue, or...or premed or something." Blaine said to her making Jesse look at him. "My passion for medicine has always been my secret shame. My first guy crush was George Clooney, aka Dr.Ross, on ER. And it's no secret what my favorite Milton Bradley game is." Blaine said to her making Jesse smile at him. "It's a great relief to be able to tell you this now. I'm just glad I did it before my audition." Blaine said to her making Jesse nod a little. "What?" Blaine asks her making Jesse smile at him. "We're getting married." Jesse said walking over to him. "I know you, and I get it, and this is a sweet side of you that I don't get to see very often." Jesse said while taking Blaine's hand and pulls him to the bed to sit down. "You're scared." Jesse said to him. "Of what?" Blaine asks her. "Who knows it can be anything and I want you to stay calm, Blaine." Jesse said to him. "What if I don't get in?" Blaine asks her. "Okay, now I want your negative thoughts out of your head." Jesse said to him making Blaine laugh a little. "You will. And if you don't, it won't matter. You're a performer; you're gonna find the spotlight. And you can't shy away from your greatness just because you're afraid you're not great enough. You have a gift, and it wouldn't be right to let you hide that away." Jesse said to him making Blaine smile at her. "Focus on the positives and soon the negatives will disappear." Jesse said to him through those words, Blaine manages to regain some of the confidence he'd been lacking. "Thanks for knowing me. I love you." Blaine said to her and he gives her a hug. "I love you, too." Jesse said to him as they hug while Blaine closes his eyes happy she was in his life. "And we're in this together." Jesse said pulling away from Blaine. "I can't stop you from failing, but I can promise to make it safe if you do." Jesse said to him and Blaine leans in for a kiss. "And I think Santana should do your makeup." Jesse said to him making Blaine smile while Jesse walks over to her outfits.

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