20- End

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Adora woke with a start in the middle of the night.

Her wide eyes darted around the room and body tensed. Her mind having flashbacks to a poisonous green that had spread through the whole planet and destroyed it completely.

Adora had failed.

Her fast beating heart calmed down a bit.

'Just a dream...' She thought, looking around the empty bedroom as the night sky illuminated the space, the moon's presence casting the room with it's gentle glow.

It was quiet and calm, soon Adora remembered that the fighting was over.

It was weird.

Waking up and not having to immediately grab her sword in order to go to battle for the whole day. Not having to hide from soldiers who were fighting for the very side she was against.

It was nice, once the initial scare her mind had decided to bestow upon her started to fade.

And yet...

Something was missing.

Or rather, someone.

Adora sighed, looking towards her door longingly.

Catra had gone back to her own room she had stayed in earlier when this whole war with Prime began in the first place. The room right across the hall from Adora's.

But Adora longed for her to be next to her, missing the warmth she once felt. Of course, she'd see her again tomorrow.


She really wants to cuddle with her lover.


Is that what they are now?

Adora sure hopes so, I mean, they did kiss and confess their love to each other earlier that same day.

A hesitant knock on her door broke her out of her thoughts, Adora got up and curiously walked toward it. Stopping for a second once she reached it, eyeing the doorknob before swinging the door open.

-Adora's POV:

"Catra!" I couldn't help but say joyfully, as she looked at me with wide eyes before smiling back in my direction.

Our eyes stayed locked on each other's for a bit before Catra broke the contact by looking away, rubbing her arm and tail flicking a bit.

"I uh- couldn't sleep." She whispered, eyes flicking back to meet mine for a second before going back down.

"Sorry to be a bother- I can come back tomorrow if you want-" She said quickly, before my hand launched for her arm.

"No- Wait!" I quickly said, she looked back at me, cheeks pink.

"Stay." I said, watching as her ears went up and her face went from pink to red.


I led her inside, closing the door behind me.

I don't know why we decided to run back to my bed, giggling in the process. But the joy that filled my heart had me feeling warm all the same.

We shushed each other, still giggling and looking into each other's eyes.

There was a pause, as our eyes stayed locked onto each other's. Blue meeting Blue and Yellow.

Second chance~Catradora [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now