4- Apologies and Warmth

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I'm sooo sorry that I haven't updated in forever! School has been crazy and I've barely had time for anything!
But now I have a bit of downtime so I'm back to updating!!

Thank you for being patient!

⚠️ Also there's a few curse words ⚠️


-Glimmer's POV:



They stayed silent, just staring at each other for a while, before Adora's blue eyes slowly drifted to mine. She was surprised to say the least.

"Wh- Why are you guys together? I thought you hated each other..." She spoke, in a kind of hushed whisper looking between me and Catra.

"We're working together now... You know, since my own friends no longer care about me." I said simply, glaring in her direction more than I wanted to.

Adora looked hurt for a second, as she opened her mouth to say something. But before she could, Bow came running in looking terrified.

"They know we're here! Hurry we have to go!" He spoke, eyes wide as pounding footsteps could be heard in the metallic flooring.

Another loud pound could be heard from the outside and the ship started to sway, causing me to slip and fall from where I stood.

I winced in pain, opening my eyes to meet two blue and yellow ones.

"You okay?" Catra asked, holding out a hand to help me up.

I took it, my heart pounding faster by the second...

Her hand is so soft...

Ugh! Get it together Glimmer! What is wrong with you??

I let go of her hand reluctantly, cheeks burning a little before I turned to face Bow...

I was less mad at him than I was at Adora, so when we met eyes and he suddenly bolted toward me I closed my eyes at the strong impact.

"GLIMMER! I was so worried!" He said, his voice going hoarse, which usually meant he was on the verge of tears.

I hesitantly returned the tight hug, tears also welling up in the brim of my eyes...

I had to admit I missed him.

Another loud pound could be heard, snapping him out of his frenzied state.

"We have to move. Now!"

And with that he grabbed my hand and ran...

"Why are you guys even here?" I asked, a little bit harsher than I intended to, but Bow didn't seem to mind my tone.

"What are you talking about? We're here to rescue you, duh!" He said, as if I was supposed to know the answer this whole time.

"Why.... would you do that?"

I was surprised to say the least. I wasn't expecting him to even care.... To be honest this kind of made me miss the old times.... when we were all together.

When we were all still friends....

"Why wouldn't we?? Glimmer.... just because things between all of us haven't been the best lately doesn't mean we just suddenly don't care about you! You're Glimmer! Queen or not, you've been my best friend since I could last remember." He said, looking sadly in my direction.

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