10- Forgive

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long haired or short haired Catra?

which do u prefer?

-Adora's POV:

It has been about a day since Glimmer went missing.

The princesses have been worried sick and trying to find an energy signature that's similar to that of Glimmer's teleporting. We've looked in every kingdom, even what's left of the Crystal Castle but she's nowhere to be found.

Bow sighed in frustration, pacing as the princesses expressions were nothing but worried. This meeting was going nowhere and no one had the slightest clue of where Glimmer could've gone.

"Ugh!" I yelled, slapping away the figures on the war table.

"Nothing is working! We need a plan." I said, as some of the other princesses nodded in agreement.

"But what plan? We have literally no information or clue as to where Glimmer is!" Bow pointed out, sighing afterward with a downcast expression.

"We can't even check the Fright Zone because the place is currently crawling with Horde Prime's clones! We are getting nowhere and Horde Prime's army is expanding as we speak! We need Glimmer back now but it's hopeless!" He said in frustration, sitting down as the silence and tension in the room thickened.

"AHA!" A sudden scream emerged, causing us all to jump and look at the source.

"I found a way to analyze Horde Prime's tech, but I need to get closer. Maybe that way we can find out if he has a weakness! Ooooh imagine all the space data he hasssss~!" Entrapta spoke excitedly, practically bouncing in her seat.

"Great! There's your plan. Mermista, Scorpia, Frosta and Perfuma can go with you, but you'll have to sneak past because we'll be outnumbered to fight them all at the moment." Bow said, as they all nodded.

I stood up, catching the attention of everyone.

"What about me? I can help."

Bow frowned a bit, before gently standing and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Adora...We need you stay here and help guard the castle. We don't want to leave it defenseless and remember you're not... She-ra anymore."

My eyes widened a bit at the last sentence before I looked away and nodded, sadness feeling my chest.

"Yeah, I know. You don't need to keep saying it." I said, sitting back down with my arms crossed.

"Okay, great! Everyone get ready for the mission then!" Bow said enthusiastically, calling the meeting off as I sighed and got out of the room.

'You really forgot you no longer have powers? Wow You really are weak.'

I huffed a bit at my thoughts, before silently entering my room.

"Hey, Adora~ How'd the meeting go?"

I jumped a bit, before relaxing once spotting Catra sitting at the foot of my bed.

"It was umm... great!" I said, fake smiling, before proceeding to sit next to her.

"Really? 'Cause you don't look too happy." She said, looking concerned in my direction.

"Pfff- You kidding? I'm ecstatic!" I tried again, forcing myself to smile even more but she just scoffed.

"Adora. I literally grew up with you, I know when you're lying. Also you're a really bad actor." She deadpanned, before I sighed and flopped back on my bed.

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