9- Please stay...

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Hi! It has officially been one day since I finished Season 5 when I'm writing this and I am still emotionally unstable.

!!SPOILERS AHEAD!! if you haven't finished the season plz don't read the A/N and just skip to the chapter:

All I have to say is: WOW. Season 5 was even better than I could have ever imagined. Not only was the writing amazing and plot so interesting but Catradora was canon!! I honestly can't believe it because I'm not really used to ships becoming canon like this- especially wlw ships with the main character of all people 😭😭

I still have so many emotions about it all, the season brought me to tears many times, caused me to laugh and most of all brought a great joy to me.

I....can't believe the series is really over. I'm going to miss it so much! Not only have this series united me with many people, but it has also helped me grow here on Wattpad and I'm honestly so grateful for it.

This show had so much LGBTQ+ rep, it really helped me feel seen and I know it helped others get through things too! I'm sad is over but so happy for the journey! Overall I think this last season has to be my favorite overall 💗💗💗

...also we didn't get much Double Trouble this season much to my dismay BUT it was still amazing! >w<

Alright enjoy the chapter!

-Adora's POV:

"Why would you come after me like this- Why would you stargaze with me- Have breakfast with me- Everything! Why? I'm just a horrible toxic person that hurts everyone that gets near me and you're She-ra the princess of power. So why me?"

I looked at her in dismay. She looked so broken, I had the urge to hug her and take all of her pains away.... I felt my body move on it's own and suddenly I was climbing up the tree and sitting next to her on the branch. She inched away a bit, her back facing me but I could see her figure still shaking.

"Catra, that's not true! You ask why I would want to be near you but isn't it obvious?! I miss you, Catra! Maybe you have hurt people in the past but the important thing is, you're trying to change for the better. You're trying Catra and that has to count for something!" My voice was shaking and salty tears were now running down my cheeks. I hate seeing her in pain like this. But if I want her to open up to me I have to open up too. Hesitantly, I brought myself closer to her and wrapped my arms around her waist, hugging her from behind and causing her to gasp a bit. When she didn't push me away like I thought she would I continued, my voice nothing but a murmur.

"Maybe I'm stupid for wanting to be closer to you. But I care about you Catra. I never stopped caring. So please, stay. Stay with me at Bright Moon. You don't have to deal with this alone if you'd just open up." My grip on her tightened as I rested my forehead on her shoulder, her shaking visually stopped but I could tell she was still crying.

"You know you'll just end up getting hurt, right?" She said, her voice breaking a bit as I frowned even more.

"Even if I do, it'll be worth it if it's for you."

She stopped for a bit, before letting out a small laugh which caused a small smile to make it's way to my face.

"You're such an idiot..." She muttered out, before both of us started laughing slightly. I reluctantly let go of her, suddenly missing her warmth but choosing to ignore it. She slowly turned to face me, lightly wiping the tears from her eyes. We stayed like that for a bit, just sort of staring at each other, before I smiled at her slightly and her eyes widened a bit before smiling back.

Second chance~Catradora [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now