12- Green

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Black lives matter.

I haven't really said it much on here as much as I should but I could at least use my platform to spread awareness in anyway. The situation is real. If you can, please donate to local charities or just spread the message and even educate yourself more on the topic of blm and POC history. Let's not be silent about this. This is an issues that has reigned for centuries. We matter. We should be heard. We should all unite and spread awareness.

Oh and also


-Adora's POV:

I groaned awake, feeling a strong grip in my arms. Suddenly I jolted up, eyes wide but something or rather someone was pinning me down.

I sat on my knees in the weird open space, it seemed to be some sort of throne room metal chamber, before the chair in front of me spun around to face me and cold green eyes met mine.

"Ah. You're awake." Horde Prime spoke with a smile that I found rather creepy, his clone dug their nails deeper into my skin making me flinch a little.

"So you're She-ra? The famous warrior spoiling my plans and giving people hope? How disappointing." He said, looking rather bored.

"I was expecting you to put up more of a fight when my friend here brought you to me."

"Huh? Friend? What friend?" I asked, eyebrows furrowing in his direction and my throat going dry when all he did was give me an amused smile.

He lifted his hand and signaled someone over. I heard heavy yet poised footsteps on the metal of the ship come closer and closer before my eyes widened at the sight.

"G-Glimmer?!" I asked in disbelief, to which she smiled but her eyes were a deep shade of green. He put his hand on her shoulder and stood next to her rather proudly.

"I have showed Glimmer the light. I can do that with you too you know. Cast out the shadows and bring peace to your poor aching soul. Your friend here was hurting deeply and now I have freed her of that pain. This could be you as well."

"I would never stoop as low as to join you." I spat out, glaring daggers at him.

He let out an unamused sigh before he brought his hand to the back of Glimmer's neck and suddenly the green went away. Glimmer gasped for some reason, looking around as if scared.

When her eyes met Horde Prime's cold ones, her expression contorted into one of anger.

"W-What did you do to me?!" She spat out.

Maybe she wasn't aware of what was happening. But how? Then again this could all be a trick.

"I saved you."

"You attacked me and- and-" She trembled, as she also went to touch the back of her neck but Horde Prime stopped her when he tightened his grip on her and she winced in pain.

"I brought you out of your pain. You were miserable when you found out that dear Catra didn't feel the same. And remember.... You came to me for help. Not the other way around." He spoke in a low tone, smirking as she looked to the floor guiltily.

"Glimmer.... is that true?" I asked in disbelief...

She went to Horde Prime willingly?
I can't believe this.

She stared at me with a hurt expression and opened her mouth to explain but ended up closing it as a tear escaped her right eye and she looked at the floor.

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