6- Realization...

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Woah! I'm updating??? On time??

Who is she-

Also there's so much Double Trouble in this chapter it's not even funny...

-Catra's POV:

I exited the infirmary, confused... All I remember is taking the shot for Adora and waking up to hear shouting outside and honestly it's really starting to give me a headache.

Both Adora and Glimmer turned to look at me, their eyes widening a bit but none of them moving an inch

"What's going on?" I asked, but suddenly Adora turned on her heels grumbling to herself...

"I don't need this." Was all she said, before stomping her way out of the hallway...

Glimmer just huffed a bit but quickly turned to me and engulfed me in a bear hug....

"Catra! I was so worried!" She screamed out, basically squeezing the life out of me...

If I hadn't been hugged by Scorpia before I would've said Glimmer's hugs were the worst...

"Okay, Okay... just... let go." I said, trying to get out of her grasp...

I seriously hate hugs.

She apologized quickly and let go, her cheeks going a slight shade of pink.

"I can't believe Adora did this to you... ugh she's always in her own head thinking she's right about everything." Glimmer muttered, glaring in the direction Adora had walked off in.

"Wait... what? Adora didn't do this..." I said, clearly confused.

"We were surrounded by that Daddy Pringle guy's clones. They were about to shoot Adora but I got her out of the way and took it for her."

"W-Wait.... you mean Adora didn't do this?" She said, her eyes widening a bit...



Her voice trailed off as she looked at the floor for a moment, rubbing her arm and biting her lip as if deep in thought. She suddenly looked up, eyes bright as she took both my hands in hers.

"I just remembered! Since you're with us now you can stay in the castle with us if you want!" She said cheerfully, before her eyes widened and she quickly let go of my hands as her very obviously pink cheeks somehow got redder... hm...

"Uhhh... Yeah, I guess i'll stay. It's not like I have anywhere else to go." I said, shrugging.

She smiled widely and grabbed my wrist, quickly leading me to what I thought would be the direction of my new room I guess...

-Double Trouble's POV:


"How interesting." I whispered, smirking slightly from the shadows as I saw Glimmer lead Catra away to who knows where...

Tsk.. When will they ever learn...

Oh! I just had a marvelous idea!

I laughed a little at the thought of it, following not that far behind Glimmer and Catra but far enough they couldn't spot me...

The fact that Catra's new room was right in front of Adora's and Glimmer's room was at the end of the hall could be used to my favor...

-Glimmer's POV:

"Gah! Get a grip over yourself, Glimmer!" I yelled at myself, splashing my face with water before looking in the mirror...

After helping Catra settle into her new room, I came into my room to calm down... I have no idea why these butterflies in my stomach won't stop!

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