14- Promise?

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Hehe~ 😈

-Adora's POV:

"Double Trouble?! What are you doing here?" Catra asked, sounding just as surprised as I was to see them here. They transformed back into their normal form and did a small spin with a smirk before opening their mouth to respond.

"I wanted to see what all the fuss was about so I posed as one of Horde Pringle's clones. Turns out they make for a pretty dull audience." They replied, looking rather bored.

Catra and I shared a glance before I looked back at them.

"Wait... you've been here the entire time?" I asked, eyes wide as they just laughed.

"Umm duh! Where do you think I've been these last few chapters?"


"What?" They asked back, cocking their head to the side.

"Anyway kitten, I'm rather impressed you managed to snap Adora out of that trance but you better hurry before you both get caught." They warned, turning back into the clone.

"But we still need to find Bow and Entrapta." Catra told them, to which Double Trouble just nodded and turned, walking away.

They paused and looked back at us.

"What are you waiting for? I don't have all day, darlings."

I looked at Catra who just shrugged. We decided to follow them.

"I saw your pigtailed friend get dragged into some prison cells for interrogation. Let's hope Horde Prime hasn't gotten to her yet."

"But we just came from the prison cells- And we're going the opposite direction."

Double Trouble just chuckled.

"This ship is far bigger than you could imagine. There are other prison cells." They explained, before stopping abruptly.

"We're here." They said, as we peeked around the corner.

"Let me get into character." They said, closing their eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and putting on the most monotone facial expression I have ever seen. They then walked out of the corner and toward the clone that was guarding the entrance.

I winced in pain, my whole body ached badly and my head is fuzzy. I don't remember much of what happened when I was taken control of, but last I remember was Horde Prime's sickening grin and next thing I knew I woke up in Catra's arms.

I rested my head on her shoulder and felt her pull me closer as her grip on my arm tightened slightly.

'I can't believe she really came for me...' I thought, feeling that warm feeling in my chest again.

My thoughts were interrupted by Double Trouble raising their voice- or rather Double Trouble as the clone...

"Are you questioning our great one's authority?! Our savior? Prime ordered your shift to be granted to me, but I'll be sure to report to him your behavior since you are clearly ungrateful of his enlightenment of us."

The clone actually showed some emotion for once, as I saw the clone's eyes flash in fear... only slightly but it proved to be enough.

The clone quickly shook their head.

"No, that will not be deemed necessary. Glory be to Horde Prime." They quickly said in a monotone tone, stepping out of Double Trouble's way and walking away.

Double Trouble stood where the other clone stood for a minute or two before they looked around to see if the coast was clear and waved us over.

We approached them as they opened the door and quickly ushered us inside after making sure there were no other clones inside.

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