17- Fuzzy Feelings

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How do these chapters keep getting so long-

-Adora's POV:


Red flashing lights and more shaking as an explosion was heard.

I almost lost my balance as the others yelled in surprise.

"It's a troop of Horde Prime's ships! How did they find us?" Catra yelled, looking outside as they continued shooting the side of the ship.

"Do you think they could've tracked the signal when I accidentally made Adora's chip come back online? Ooooh, fascinating..." Entrapta said, her eyes shining like stars and an excited smile on her face.

"And also bad... very bad." She then said, her expression now turning into one of deep thought.

"I can transform into She-ra and fight them off!" I quickly said, but was cut off.

"No need for now!" Entrapta quickly said, as another shake of the ship made her quickly scramble forward.

"Hold on!" She said, before she steered the ship to dodge another laser that was firing in our direction.

The fleet of small ships followed us, still shooting. One laser managed to hit one of the ship's engines. causing the red flashing lights to get even faster.

An "ERROR" message displayed on screen as Entrapta quickly typed away.

"Hang on, this is gonna be a rough landing!" She yelled out, before quickly pushing a button, causing the ship to start going hyper speed toward Krytis. We screamed, losing our balance and I found myself clinging on to Catra as she pulled me closer, her eyes shut tightly.

The ships started following as we started entering Krytis' atmosphere before they stopped completely.

"They're r-retreatinggg!" Entrapta pointed out, voice shaking with the turbulence of the ship.

We finally parted the ashy atmosphere, the ship shaking even more as suddenly a piece of metal from the side of the ship flew off.

The ship crashed roughly against the ground, causing all of us to fall on the floor as the ship shut off completely, only leaving the emergency red flashing lights from before.

"Darla! NOOO!" Entrapta yelled out, tears in her eyes as she inspected the damage of the ship.

I groaned and opened my eyes in pain before they shot open completely.

"Catra! Are you okay?" I asked worriedly, her face was burning red for some reason as she looked up at me.

I suddenly realized the position we were in, me on top of her, legs accidentally straddling her hips and my hands placed on the side of her head. I felt my heartbeat quicken as I quickly got off her, apologizing quickly and averting my eyes from her.

She just nodded in response wordlessly, sitting up.

"I made everyone space suits. Let's get them on quickly! I need to check the damage on Darla." Entrapta said, snapping me out of my daze from what had just happened.

After changing we all exited the ship, Entrapta worriedly looking at the dented side of the ship and the broken engine that was giving out smoke. She sighed sadly before continuing the path down into the waste that was left of the planet, Wrong Hordak not far behind gently carrying her computer, his body trembling a little.

I looked around and that's when I noticed the real damage this planet had been through. Ashes of what used to be full of life scattered with old machines I didn't recognize and other machines that I did, like Horde Prime's old drills, worn down and beaten. Clear evidence of his invasion.

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