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-Catra's POV:

The ship arrived at the First One's Temple... or at least what was left of it.

I had recommended it to Horde Prime, promising we'll get more information about this power the princesses hold over Etheria.

I was devastated to see it had been completely and utterly destroyed... only a bit of rubble left where it once stood. All life around it disappeared too, only left with black ashes.

"This is where the answer to my power is?" Horde Prime's voice spoke, clearly not amused.

I looked at the ruins in alarm, swallowing a large lump that formed in my throat.

"I-I don't understand.... That blue lady was supposed to be here- She would've told us how to use the power- She-"

"You mean to tell me you don't actually know how to USE it?!" He hissed as his own and the many clone's green eyes fixed their gazes on me like venom.

"I-I know information about it-"

Why am I breaking down-

Dang it, Catra.

"Yes, you keep saying that. But how useful can you really be if you don't even know how to use said power you mentioned." He spoke, then paused and let out a cold bitter laugh.

"You're truly worthless. You're weak. You'll never be good enough to amount to anything and all you are is a burden to others."

His words hit me like bricks, but I wasn't going to let myself cry... not in front of him...
not again.

He pushed me to the floor as his clones laughed along with him.



Selfish laughter.

Trying to humiliate me.

Trying to bring me down...

....And that's when it hit me.

He really is like another Hordak.

Glimmer was right...

I'm just a pawn in his stupid scheme to ultimate power....

And me?

I'm as disposable to him as any of his other dumb clones.

"I'm such an idiot..." I whispered to no one in particular, the clones laughter dying down a bit.

"Get our of my sight." He hissed, as I glared up at him.

I got up and left the room, not muttering a single word...

-Adora's POV:

"Adora, what are you doing?" Bow's voice spoke, laced with concern.

I turned to him.

"We need to see them."

"Wh- Adora are you sure?" He said, almost skeptical...

But if what Double Trouble said was true, then there's little time left to act.

"I've never been more sure about this being the right thing to do in my life." I said, going out the palace door, as Bow looked at me worriedly and Entrapta waved happily from the throne where Micah sat.

I left to the only secretive place near the castle.

The only place where one could lurk in the shadows without a care in the world.

Second chance~Catradora [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now