2- Deals with the Prime

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Hiii! Here's another chapter!


I forgot to mention that I did not come up with the plot for this on my own! So I would like to shoutout NerdyValkyrie LapidotTrash237 and everyone else who pitched in with ideas! I couldn't have done this without you! Thank you!!💜💜

Enjoy the chapter!
-Catra's POV:

I gasped and jolted awake in alarm...

I was in a darkened room, a green-like forcefield in front of whatever this room's exit was. The place was similar to one of the prison cells in the Horde, yet this one seemed to be way more advanced.

Next to me was a clear wall, letting me look inside to the other cell next to me where the princess sat, eyes looking dull.

Glimmer's eyes flickered from the floor to meet mine, yet her dull and emotionless expression didn't change.

"You're awake." Was all she managed to get out, I just looked at her confused. I barely remember anything that happened at the process of getting here... just fighting and a few or so visions of them opening locked doors before they threw my numb body in here.

I was about to open my mouth to say something when a cold voice laughed from outside these walls, sending a strong shiver up my spine.

The laughter quieted down, before the voice continued to speak...

"You're all fools! You actually think I'd let a princess and a filthy magicat infiltrate my ship like that? I am the owner of the most powerful army in the universe and you DARE underestimate me like that?!"

I have no idea where the voice was coming from since my night-vision eyes could only see up to a certain point. The room was probably completely pitch black for the princess though, apart from the small light provided by the cells.

"Well, no matter..." The voice continued, after our silence.

"You're my prisoners now."

I felt my eyes go wide in alarm. There's no way this is happening right now. I'm not about to let access to the universe's most powerful army just run away from my grasp like that.

"But WAIT-" I yelled, a little too desperately...

'Keep It together, Catra. You don't want to seem vulnerable.' I thought, biting my lip in order to calm down from my sudden outburst.

I stood up and took a deep breath putting on my best smirk.

"You really think I'm working with a princess? Please... I hate princesses and I know for a fact you do too, Horde Prime~" I said, starting to pace toward the green-forcefield in hopes he was somewhere in that direction.

"So let's make a deal. I did say I have something you not only want... but need. And that's information on how to use these idiot princess' power to your advantage." I continued, bringing my clawed hand up to play with my hair tuff a bit.

"....of course you do..." I heard Glimmer mutter angrily from her other cell, making me hesitate a little but I just ignored her.

"Just think... You'll finally be able to conquer the only planet that managed to escape your grasp! Etheria. You'll be unstoppable."

"But how do I know I can trust you when you stopped me from ending that princess' life.... how do I know if I shouldn't just end your life right now?" He threatened, I could hear the doubt and coldness of his voice.

I just burst out laughing. A bitter laugh. A cry for help laugh.

"Please..." I said, as unthreatened and fearless as I could.

For other people, dealing with this much pressure must be hard. But I'm already too used to it to back down now.

"You know exactly why you shouldn't do any of those things. Or have you forgotten about how you can harvest Etheria's energy for your own? Seriously I thought you were smarter than this." I spat, looking bored.

He just huffed in response and didn't say a word...

I was starting to get a bit nervous now, he still hadn't said anything but I could feel his gaze on me. I just kept my bored expression.

Suddenly, just as fast as he had captured me, the green-forcefield disappeared and he had set me free.

-Double Trouble's POV:

Adora seemed surprised at what I had said...

Me? On their side?

Yeah, not even I could believe it. But my dear Glimmer gave me something I just couldn't say no to... profit... money.

And now that I had somewhat helped open my dear kitten's eyes.... I am about to do the same to Adora.

"There's no way. They're lying. This could be another trick from the Horde." Bow spoke, narrowing his eyes in my direction as Adora nodded in agreement.

"The Horde? Please. There's a much bigger threat here than the Horde. Especially since Catra's now talking to the big league himself." I spoke, causing Adora's expression to change to one of surprise, making a smirk slide it's way onto my face.

"W-What are you talking about?" She spoke, stuttering a little.

I just snickered a little.

"Oh nothing~ Just that Catra's talking to Horde Pringle or whatever his name is. You know, the creator of Hordak? Much more powerful?" I said, teasingly.

Messing with them proved to be a lot more fun then working with them~

"What are they talking about?! Hordak has a creator?!" Bow spoke, alarmed.

"I-I don't know..." Adora spoke, seemingly torn.

"You could choose to not believe me, or... You could use this as a warning." I said, inching closer to Adora with a smirk.

I then quickly changed my form to resemble Catra and took ahold of Adora's chin, making her look into my eyes.

"Come on, Adora~ Don't you believe me?" Catra's voice spoke from within me.

Adora's eyes seemed to soften a little, before turning into an angry expression. She moved her head to the side, getting out of my grasp.

"Stop it." She said angrily, cheeks a small shade of pink and eyebrows furrowed.

I turned back into myself and backed away slightly, Bow still pointing his weapon at me.

"Just think about it. You'll know how to find me if you decide to act." I said simply, backing away and making my grand exit through the window.


Woooow! I updated! Also I know this was kinda short but it was needed to move the story along 💗

Thank you for the patience and the support on this book! Tune in for the next update on Saturday!


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