8- Running After You

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Ok W O A H- We suddenly have 5k views??? Thank you all so much for the support on this book!!! Aaaah! 🥺❤️❤️

Also here's some food before Season 5 airs tonight and we all die-

-Adora's POV:

My eyelids fluttered slightly as I felt sunlight hit them and I shifted slightly on the comfortable bed, snuggling closer into my blanket.

'Hmmm.... what happened- I just remember stargazing yesterday and....'

I jolted awake scanning my surroundings in alarm...

Huh? I'm back in my room? But how...

Last thing I remember was-

That's when my eyes landed on a figure curled up at the foot of my bed. Wait a second...

"CATRA?!" I unknowingly screeched, causing her to scream and jump awake, falling off the bed.

"What the heck, Adora." She said, rubbing the back of her head while wincing in pain.

"Wh- Well I'm not the one sleeping in someone else's room!" I retorted, causing her eyes to widen slightly as she stood up, facing away from me.

"Yeah well... I couldn't really sleep well on my own." She muttered, her ears dropping slightly.

I stayed silent, just looking at her surprised. She couldn't sleep well and the first person she thought to come see was me? Why would I of all people be her first choice?

And most of all...

Why do I not mind her being here? Why do I sort of enjoy her company?

"Uhh... I'm gonna go get breakfast now. Sorry, I'll get outta your hair." She muttered again, breaking the awkward silence that has ensued and turning around to head to the door.

"W-Wait!" I couldn't help but yell out, reaching a hand in her direction as if that would stop her.

And she did stop, looking back at me confused.

"I'll join you..." I found myself saying, why? I have no idea. It was as if I couldn't really think that well, having just woken up and all my voice was still a little groggy.

Catra looked back at me with wide eyes, clearly surprised by my sudden statement. Yeah, I surprised myself too... but as we walked toward the kitchen after we had both gotten ready, I found myself smiling, as a warm feeling filled my chest.

The kitchen door creaked open as the smell of mouthwatering food filled my senses, and I couldn't help but giddily run toward the counter and sit as the chefs continued cooking various things like eggs, toast, these really fluffy things called pancakes that are my absolute favorite. They're so sweet!

I suddenly felt a presence behind me and looked back to see Catra looking around confused. I laughed a little at her wide-eyed reaction to the grand place.

"This isn't anything like the cafeteria back at the Horde, right?" I asked with a knowing smile, remembering how I also had a similar reaction when first seeing this place.

It was definitely different than the Horde, not only was the food a lot nicer but the bright pastel colors of the castle completely contrasted the dull gray colors  back at the Horde, and I felt my smile widen once I saw Catra nod in agreement.

She hesitantly sat next to me but continued looking around until her eyes landed on the counter and a shiny decoration caught her attention.

I raised an eyebrow once I saw her smirk, but immediately knew what she was about to do once I saw her clawed hand raise up, her right ear twitch slightly and her tail wag a bit.

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