15- I Promise.

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I believe in Catradora supermacy~

-Adora's POV:

I gasped awake, my body aching all over as I lay on the metallic floor, my heart suddenly speeding up at the sight of Catra's limp body taking shaky short breaths and eyes closed.

"Catra!" I called out, sitting up and trying to stand but failing. I can't feel my legs. I stumbled a bit before crawling toward her, fear filling my chest at the sight of how fragile she looked. Her hair was cut unevenly and stopped at her shoulders.

I shakily grabbed her carefully, placing her gently on my lap as my vision started to blur with tears.

"Catra! Please stay with me. I-I'll get us out of here. I'll get us home!" I told her, voice still shaky and slightly hoarse.

She took in a deep breath but it was cut short with a cough. She opened her eyes slightly, a small tear cascading down her cheek.

"P...Promise?" She shakily breathed out and I felt my breath hitch as I felt the tears that I was trying to hold in fall.

"I promise!" I quickly told her, cradling her in my arms and pulling her closer as I held in a sob.

She met my gaze and lifted her hand, reaching out for mine...

"Adora..." She whispered, before violently coughing again, covering her mouth, using the hand she had reached out to me with, as she did so. She stopped and examined her hand, now stained red.

My eyes widened in alarm as Catra's breath got even shorter and shakier.

"No no no Catra! Please. You have to stay awake!" I frantically told her, my grip on her tightening and my shoulders starting to shake. I was sobbing now.

Catra's eyes were closed tightly, another tear fell down her cheek before her body went completely limp and her breathing ceased.

"No... N-No...."

I quickly pulled her body closer to me, sobbing and trying to listen for any trace of heartbeat.

There isn't any.

"C-Catra..." I was babbling now, begging her to come back. Begging her to stay. But she can't hear me now. Not anymore.

I suddenly felt a bunch of presences surrounding me.

"Some creatures are destined only for destruction. I'm sorry it had to end this way, She-ra." Horde Prime's voice boomed through one of his clones.

I gritted my teeth, pulling Catra closer again and willing myself to look up at the clone. At all the clones that were surrounding us now. Rage. I was so angry. He'd taken Catra from me. We could've been happy together. We could've had a future.


There's still hope.

I will have a future with Catra.

I won't lose her.

I can't lose her.

I love her!


Is this what that warm feeling in my chest has always been? Love?

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