18- You mean everything to me

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I'm not dead!!! (contrary to what most ppl have been thinking lmao)

It's taken so long to actually update this but this is a long chapter so hopefully that makes it worth the wait...

So the picture above is basically what Adora's hair kinda looks like in this book.

Anyway enjoy the chapter!
-Catra's POV:


That's what I felt.

A warmth spreading all over throughout my body, like a soft blanket that could take all of the coldness of the world away and keep you safe.

And everything was fuzzy.

The room blurred, a slight soft lighting coming only from the naturalness of the outside, leaving just the touch on my lips.

And then it changed.



And suddenly a bunch of emotions started bursting into my chest, crashing one on top of the other until it was all just a mess and my chest started aching.

I'm kissing her.

I'm kissing Adora.

And now my body was ringing in alarm.

What am I doing?

Why did I think this was a good idea?

I'm ruining everything.

What is wrong with me?


I gasped in surprise when I felt her suddenly kiss back.

And everything came to a halt.

Her lips felt so right against mine. Like puzzle pieces that perfectly fit together.

And now she was pulling me closer, deepening the kiss, one hand behind my back and the other running through my messy short hair.

I felt like I would melt on the spot.

And I let myself relax into the kiss, my mind empty, humming as I closed my eyes, not even minding the purring she could probably hear, heart hammering in my chest and butterflies fluttering in my stomach like crazy. Arms wrapping around her shoulders.

And then the thoughts came back.

What if she's just kissing you for pity?

Who would ever love someone like you?

This doesn't even mean she likes you.

What are you doing? Ruining your friendship just when you finally got her back.

You'll only hurt her in the end.

And I felt a small snap in my chest, as I pulled away. Heart aching but mind telling me this is what was best for her. This is what was best for both of us. No one would get hurt this way.

She was staring at me now, face burning crimson and eyes wide. I felt my ears go flat against my head as I bit my lip and avoided her gaze.

You can't.


But before she could finish, I had sprang up and sprinted out of the room. I heard small footsteps behind me and that's when I noticed Melog's blurred figure due to the tears that were now cascading down my cheeks, and I could suddenly no longer see myself. Had Melog turned me invisible? It doesn't matter. Adora hates me now. I just know it.

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