13- Kiss it better

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I'm back~~

I want an honest opinion on this book. Is it any good? Like seriously does anyone find it enjoyable to read? I'm curious ^w^


Enjoy the chapter! ✨✨

-Catra's POV:

"Hello, Catra."

Adora's monotone voice echoed through the empty hallway as I looked at her in disbelief. She had a sickened grin and the green in her eyes seemed to get even more vivid.

She was wearing a white uniform with the horde symbol and hair was up in a bun instead of its usual ponytail and buzzed slightly on the sides.

"What did he do to you..." I muttered, mostly to myself but Adora just let out an emotionless laugh and then launched herself toward me, taking me by surprise.

I quickly dodged her punch before she swung her fist in my direction again. I instinctively scratched her as she winced and held her eyebrow for a second. My gaze softened as a huge wave of guilt filled my chest and I retracted my claws completely. Punch after punch, kick after kick I tried my best to dodge her attacks instead.

"Adora, please! We don't have to fight anymore. I don't want to fight with you anymore... I've hurt you enough already, anyway." I yelled out toward her, hoping by some miracle she could actually hear me. That she's still in there.

Suddenly her eyes became white and green as her distorted voice mixed with Horde Prime's spoke out.

"Enough games."

And just like that Adora, the real Adora yelled out in pain as I finally noticed there was a chip on the back of her neck, which was now zapping her. Her legs collapsed in on themself and she fell to the floor, I looked at the sight worriedly and ran toward her, but I stopped once I saw red veins start spreading throughout her body and I suddenly felt a huge pit in my stomach. She started glowing and there she stood again, her eyes a deep almost blood-like red as She-ra. She suddenly let out a crazed laugh and I felt my breath speed up as she lifted her sword with blood-thirsty eyes and swung it toward me at full force. I barely dodged it as I started running through the hallway, hearing her swift but heavy footsteps grow closer and closer. Her sword kept swinging everywhere as she let out another crazed laugh.

Suddenly, I felt a strong pain in my lower back as she kicked me and I flew to the ground, tumbling a few times before finally coming to a stop facing in her direction. My eyes widened once I saw the damage she had done to the ship itself, dented walls and broken electrical wires, sparking as well as fallen broken doorways that she had slashed, broken and thrown while following me.

"Adora..." I called out, eyes pleading as I looked at her infected alter-ego. She grabbed me by my shirt collar and slammed me into the wall, her eyes twisted and wild as she pointed her sword at the tip of my throat.

"Any last words?" She said, mouth curved up into a deranged smile once again.

I looked into her eyes and suddenly got an idea. One that I would normally avoid because it was a stupid one but it's the only one I have right now.

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