7- Late Night Cuddles

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Got inspired to write this at like 1am lmao-

-Catra's POV:

"Well yeah I know Glimmer likes me but..."

"I want it to be Adora..."

"Oooooh~" Double Trouble spoke, a small glint in their eyes at my newfound statement.

I tensed up, as a scowl made it's way to my face.

"S-Shut up! I don't even know why I just know I wouldn't mind it if I ran my hands through her hair, if our lips accidentally brushed or if we somehow ended up cuddling under the moonlight... Ugh! I feel like this is weird to say- Is it weird?! I don't even know what this feeling is." I ranted, covering my face as I felt my cheeks start to heat up and eventually sting...

Seriously what is wrong with me?

"Kitten, that's called a large case of the gays."

"H-Huh?" I said, confusion evident on my face.

Double Trouble just sighed.

"It means you like Adora. As more than friends." Double Trouble said, looking extremely unamused as their eyes pierced through my bicolored ones.

"W-What?! N-No I don't!" I said, panicking slightly as I felt my ears perk up and my tail puff up a bit.

Double Trouble just let out a slight giggle.

So what if I sometimes fantasize about intertwining my hands with hers and so what if whenever I'm around her I feel this fuzzy feeling in my chest or some weird butterflies in my stomach.... or how I miss the sound of her sweet laughter... Or how I wonder how soft her lips looked and how they would feel on mine as the sun rays that light up her blonde hair, fall perfectly on her face and her pretty blue eyes light up the same way she lights up a room every time she enters and how much it hurt when she left because of how strangely attached I felt to her or-

"Oh my gosh.... I do like Adora."

"There you go~" Double Trouble said, almost teasingly, as a small smile made it's way to their face.

I brought a hand up to bring the hair out of my face, as I ruffled it slightly with wide eyes and cheeks probably even redder then they were before. My tail twitched slightly, soon followed by my right ear.

"Well- What are you going to do about it?"

"I- What can I do?" I asked them, still slightly surprised as I felt my heart beat faster by the second.

"Well you could tell her- or keep it to yourself. It's all up to you."

"I- I want to tell her but she probably doesn't even feel the same after everything I've done to her-" I started, before getting cut off by Double Trouble.

"Nuh-uh! None of that. I'm telling you Adora is so hopelessly in love with you it actually hurts to watch." They deadpanned, sitting up and grabbing both my shoulders.

'I doubt that...' I thought grimly...

"If you want to tell her, you should. Don't let simple fear take over your actions. I say go for it!"

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