Chapter 1

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"Harry, up and out of the books," Niall says once he comes into their shared dorm room. Niall and Harry have known each other since they were in Homes Chapel together after Niall moved there from Ireland. They have been best friends ever since and came to University together. "You just finished your test, and you promised to come to the game with Li and me."

"Is it today?" Harry asked, not lifting his head from his notes.

"Yes, Haz, it's today, " Niall said, slamming Harry's book, which causes the alpha to growl and causes the omega to coward away and let out a whimper.

"I'm so sorry, Ni, " Harry said in a soft tone, and it takes Niall a couple of seconds before he's back to normal.

"I hate alpha's and their alpha voice/growls, " Niall mutters.

"You love me, " Harry said, getting up and hugging the blonde omega.

"You're lucky I do, " Niall said and hugged back. "But let's go, we're meeting Li at his car."

"Do I really have to? I have much work to do, " Harry whined.

"You used to love football before uni. Come on, where did that Haz go?" Niall said, throwing Harry clothes for him to change into.

"That Haz disappeared once uni started, and I started drowning in work, " Harry said, getting out of his sweats and changing in black skinny jeans and Manchester United jumper.

"Well, tonight we are getting that carefree Haz back, now let's go. That beta is going to be mad if we're late, you know how Li is, " Niall said, grabbing Harry's hand and practically dragging him out of the room.

"Fine, but if I fail, I blame it on the two of you, " Harry said, pointing the finger at Niall as they walk towards Liam's car. They both met Liam on the first day at University, and he was quick to join the pair and become fast friends.

"Good, you're not late, " Liam said once Harry and Niall get into the car. Harry is sitting in the passenger seat, and Niall is sitting in the back. "You excited, H?"

"Yeah, yeah. You know I envy you Li, you don't have to put in as much work as everyone else and still be top of the class, " Harry said as Liam pulls out of the parking lot.

"You and I are top of the class, and I do put in work, " Liam said.

"Yeah, you do, but you seem to have more free time. Anyways what are we doing after?" Harry asked, turning to Niall.

"You actually want to go somewhere after and not rush back into your books? I swear I'm being replaced as your best friend, " Niall said, putting a hand over his heart and pretending to be sad.

"No one can replace you, Ni, " Harry said, giving Niall a dimpled smile, and Niall beams at that. "But seriously, where are we going after?"

"Pub, " Niall said without missing a beat and Liam and Harry just looked at each other rolling their eyes.

"You better not turn into an alcoholic, " Liam said, looking in the rearview mirror to look at Niall.

"I'm Irish, " Niall simply states. At this point, Liam and Harry stop arguing with him when he says that because it never gets anywhere.

For the rest of the ride, the lads sit and talk and listen to the radio. Liam and Niall catch Harry up on all the players, and Harry nods his head, not really listening. Once they get to the stadium, they quickly find their seats, but it's hard given how many people there are. When they finally get to their seat, Harry stays while Liam and Niall go and grab food and drinks. Harry looks around the stadium for a while but then goes on his phone and goes through his to-do list.

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