Chapter 4

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Liam drives back to the packhouse just in time for dinner, and he really hopes Harry is still at the house and not out on a mission. He probably should have texted him, but he forgot. He seems to be forgetting a lot today. Anyways, he makes his way to the dining room, more like a hall, scanning the faces and seeing that Harry is in line to grab food. Liam quickly jogs over to Harry and clasp a hand on his shoulder.

"All done, boss," Liam said, grabbing a plate and waiting in line.

"Did you come all this way to say that?" Harry asked.

"Yup," Liam said, and Harry just shook his head.

"You know there's this technology called a phone where you can communicate with people through it without having to be in the same room as them," Harry said, which earned him a punch in the arm by Liam.

"Well, excuse me if I want to hang out with my best friend and pack," Liam said defensively. "I also wanted to talk to you about something. Can we eat in your room?"

"Sure," Harry said, and they grabbed their food and went upstairs to Harry's room. "What's up?"

"Well, I've noticed you guys haven't been taking in strays lately," Liam started as they sat on the floor by the foot of the bed eating their dinner.

"Yeah, with Dad prepping me, this has slipped through the cracks, but I'm supposed to look for new strays. Want to go out hunting with me tomorrow?" Harry asked, not wanting to go alone.

"How many do you need to bring in?" Liam asked.

"I don't know, didn't specify. Why do you ask about the strays anyways," Harry asked, turning to look at Liam.

"Well, I found one, Zayn Malik; he is a stray and have been for a month. He asked me to talk to you since he knows you're an alpha and wanted to see if you would be willing to take him in. I will let him tell you the reason," Liam said, and Harry nodded.

"Okay, I will come over sometime next week and talk to him. But can you come with me tomorrow?" Harry asked, and Liam just nodded, not wanting to do his schoolwork just yet. "Thanks, mate. I will text you the time, and I have training first thing in the morning, then I have to talk to my dad about something and then we can go."

"What do you have to talk to your dad about?" Liam asked, and Harry sighed.

"I don't know, he had a check-up today, and they still refuse to tell us what is going on. They are doing this so that we aren't worried about him, but we are worried about him whether we know or not. I wish they would stop trying to protect us and tell us what is going on," Harry said, resting his head back on the bed.

"Well, whatever it is, I am here for you," Liam said.

"Thanks, mate, I am starting to get worried, though," Harry said, putting his half-eaten plate on the floor.

"About your dad?" Liam asked.

"No, being head alpha, it is much responsibility, and I would probably have to quit school. Dad isn't one of those head alphas that provide protection. He actually gets involved and tries to help save and protect the mistreated. I love him for doing that, but I don't know if I can handle all of that," Harry said. "Be honest, no friendship bias. Do you think I will be a good head alpha?"

"Harry, I've said this multiple times before, yes, a hundred percent yes. You listen to your gut and your wolf, you put everyone else above yourself, and you have a good heart. When you decide, you actually weigh all the options and make the best-calculated option based on that. No bias here. I truly believe that you will be an amazing head alpha. The entire pack believes in you and will follow you anywhere. You actually take time and get to know every person in this pack, no matter their rank here, and you listen to them and try to help in any way you can. Believe in yourself mate, you have what it takes and more," Liam said, putting a hand on Harry's shoulder and squeezing it.

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