Chapter 3

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Harry ran all the way to Liam's dorm room and unlocked the door and practically ran into the room and closed the door with his forehead pressed to the door and trying to calm his breathing. He can still smell an omega. He really needs a shower to get Niall's scent off of him to be in the right mindset when he goes back to the packhouse to check on Niall and his father to tell him what he is supposed to do. Harry is so caught up with everything that he doesn't even notice the two people staring at him confusedly and frighteningly.

"Can I help you?" Zayn asked, getting up and reaching for a bat that is underneath his bed. Ever since he became packless, he slept with a bat nearby just in case anyone tried anything. The sudden voice made Harry jump, and he turned around to be met with two lads, one with feathery brown hair and blue eyes and one with black hair in a quiff and brown eyes.

"Sorry mates, um, I'm Harry, Liam's friend. Liam said I could stay here for a couple of hours while there's an issue with my dorm," Harry said, trying his best not to say anything about Niall going into heat unexpectedly.

"Zayn, Liam's roommate, and this is Louis," Zayn said, still unsure about the stranger that randomly burst into their room.

"This might sound really weird, but can I take a shower?" Harry asked, feeling really embarrassed. Zayn and Louis looked at each other and then back at Harry.

"How do I know that you are Liam's friend? You could be a total stranger," Zayn said, and Harry noticed Zayn's shuffling closer to the bed and subtly reaching for something that HArry can only assume is a weapon.

"That is fair enough. His name is Liam Payne, and he is here studying medicine. He is 19 years old, a beta, born August 29, has a weird fear of spoons. Loves to organize and make sure everyone is doing what they are supposed to do. He has these big puppy dog eyes, gym rat, um, what else do you want to know?" Harry rushed out, really needing a shower because the smell of Niall and something else is really getting to him. If he were in the right state of mind, he would have realized that the other scent in the room is the same scent he smelt at the game last night, but he is now not.

Zayn just stood there, not knowing what to say because he really didn't know much about Liam except his friends and everything that HArry just listed, and some of them Zayn didn't even know.

"Who are his best friends?" Zayn asked.

"Harry and Niall," Harry asked, closing his eyes, forcing his brain to focus right now and willing his wolf to stay in check.

"What are they studying?" Zayn asked again.

"Harry is studying medicine like Liam, and that is how they've met; Niall is studying music," Harry said, still with his eyes closed, and it seemed to be working.

"What are they?" Zayn asked, taking advantage of Harry's eyes been closed and grabbed and gripped his bat.

"Alpha and omega," Harry said, and the stance of Harry and how out of it and Zayn's paranoia makes Zayn not trust Harry. Zayn takes quiet steps towards HArry and swings the bat as hard as possible, only for Harry to stop the bat with one hand right before it hits his head. Harry doesn't open his eyes, knowing that when he opens them, they will be red, which is when his alpha takes over. His wolf eyes are a dark forest green colour, but his alpha wolf eyes are bright red. Right now, he needs Louis and Zayn to trust him and scaring them or using his alpha voice on them is not the way to do it. "I know you are scared and don't trust me right now, but I need to shower and borrow some of Liam's clothes, and I will be out of your hair. I promise, I don't want to hurt you, Zayn or Louis. I need to get out of these clothes." Harry said to keep his voice normal and calm when he has various emotions going on inside. Zayn tries to get the bat out of Harry's grip, but Harry holds onto it so tightly that he can't. When Harry can feel Zayn trying to pry the bat out of his hands, Harry loosens his grip on the bat enough for Zayn to get it out, not enough to send him tumbling back. "Can I do that?"

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