Chapter 6

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They spent about half an hour just talking and getting to know one another. Louis kept many personal answers to himself and mainly contributed to the conversation by being his sassy self or telling an embarrassing story of Zayn. It was a perfect break for Harry, and he actually forgot about everything going on in his life and was stress-free at the moment.

Ring Ring

"It's Gems," Liam said, picking up his phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, is Harry with you?" Gemma asked frantically but trying to stay calm.

"Yeah, why? We are also with two other friends, so if it's pack-related, might want to talk about it later," Liam said, making sure that Gemma won't say anything that is supposed to be kept within the pack.

"Put me on speaker," Gemma said, and Liam did as told.

"You're on," Liam said.

"Harry, why are you not answering your phone?" Gemma asked calmly when she really wanted to yell it. Harry pats himself down, looking for his phone but doesn't find it.

"I think I left it back at the house. Why? What's going on?" Harry asked, sensing that something is wrong.

"It's Niall. During his heat, he dropped," Gemma said.

"WHAT!?! HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?" Harry yelled into the phone, knowing how bad dropping is when you are aware of your surroundings, but he can only imagine it being worse when in heat.

"Harry, don't yell; you are scaring Niall. I'm in your dorm room. Where are you?" Gemma said, holding a shaking Niall.

"I'm at Liam's," Harry said, and Liam handed Harry the phone and went to open the door and stick his head out. Since their dorm rooms are just down the hall from each other, he can see Gemma and Niall. "Look down the hall," Harry said, and Gemma did and saw Liam. Harry hung up the phone, got out of bed, and walked to the door, Niall smelling Harry made him run towards and tackled him into a hug.

"Let's go to bed, omega," Harry whispered and picked up Niall bridal style and went to sit down on the bed. Once he was leaning against the headboard, Niall shifted, straddling Harry and having his head in the crook of his neck where his scent is the strongest. Harry makes sure that he remains calm, so he omits the right pheromones that Nialls needs to recover from his drop. Niall takes a couple of deep inhales, and soon enough, he is ready to drop again, and he does.

"Alpha," Niall whispers before he dropped.

"Did he just drop?" Harry whispered, and Liam went to check and saw that Niall has his eyes closed.

"That or he's sleeping. Either way, you can't leave him," Liam whispered back.

"I don't plan to," Harry said and took a deep breath to calm himself, but he could still smell Niall in heat when he did. "He's still in heat."

"Yeah, he has two days left," Gemma said, closing the door. "We need to get him back to the house. Can you move him?" Harry tried to move, but Niall let out a whimper, and Harry sat back down. "Well, we need to get him back and then we can bring him back to the house. Are you okay with an omega in heat being that close to you?"

"Gemma, I can control myself, and the smell isn't what I am focused on right now. How does this even happen?" Harry said and carded his fingers through Nialls hair, and Niall purred at the touch and snuggled closer. "You are safe, omega, and I'm here." The situation is really making Louis jealous that he does not have that; he does not have an alpha to make sure he is safe and worried about him. Harry sensing Louis's change of mood, turns to look at him. "Louis? Are you alright?"

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