Chapter 7

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After Liam and Harry ran out of the room with Niall and making sure to mask Niall's scent so no alpha would dare to try to hurt him, Louis's jealousy returned. He craved for someone to do that with him, making sure he is safe and cared for. Being the priority in someone's busy life. Being loved. Being treated like a human being and not some toy to be thrown around. In the short time that Louis has gotten to known Harry, Louis is now very jealous of the person who will be Harry's mate.

"I think he is a good guy, will make a good alpha," Zayn said, walking back to Liam's bed and flopping on it. "Although we didn't talk anything about the pack, so I have no idea if they are letting me in."

"He definitely will; as you said, he is a good alpha, and he will or already has seen that you will be a great addition to his pack," Louis said, laying back down on Zayn's bed.

"By the way, what the hell happened to you? Why are you limping so much, and why are you constantly wincing?" Zayn finally asked the question that he did not want Zayn to ask.

"Got dizzy and lost my footing and landed hard on my tailbone," Louis lied a little too easily, but he has years of practice.

"Ouch, that sucks," Zayn said, scrunching up his face as if he can feel Louis's pain. "But moving onto better topics, Harry Styles."

"What about him?" Louis said, and just the mention of his name made his heart flutter, and he is still so confused.

"You like him, don't you?" Zayn gave Louis a knowing smirk who only threw a pillow at him. "Oh come on, he is a good-looking lad, nice guy, clearly takes care of his friends, and he doesn't treat you differently. Although I don't think he knows who you are even though he was at the game or was really good at hiding it. My point is that we have nothing to offer him, but he just treated us like one of the lads," Zayn said, and Louis smiled at the ceiling only for his smile to fall a couple of seconds later. Once Harry finds out Louis's main reason he is trying to get to know him better, Harry would shut him out or kill him.

"He is. Do you have his number?" Louis blurted out before he could even stop his mouth.

"Yes, I do. Liam gave it to me this morning," Zayn said, pulling out his phone and texting Louis the number.

"Wipe that smirk off your face," Louis said, not even having to look at Zayn to know that he has a smirk on his face.

"I don't know what you are talking about," Zayn said. Louis saved Harry's contact to his phone only to notice a text from Mark saying to meet him in his office in 20 minutes sent 10 minutes.

"Shit," Louis said and quickly got up only to get light-headed and lose his balance and his ribs, stomach and ass to have shooting pain through it. Zayn was quick to catch Louis before he fell and placed him softly on the bed.

"Woah, calm down," Zayn said.

"Sorry, I have to go. My dad needs me back at the house," Louis said and texted his driver to meet him outside. Once his dizzyness died down, he slowly got up with the help of Zayn and put on his cap, sunglasses and hood before walking towards the door. "Send me your schedule. I might be here often now that football is done for now."

"Only hanging out with me when you have nothing better to do," Zayn said with a faked hurt expression, to which Louis just rolled his eyes and left the room.

In the car ride, Louis is constantly checking the time and without traffic, and if he runs upstairs, he will make it there just in time. He takes out his painkillers and swallows it dry, knowing he will need some of the pain to be taking away if he has to run up multiple flights of stairs.

Once the car pulls up to the house, Louis is out before the driver has a chance to completely stop the car and bolts as fast as he can into the house. He can feel pain all over his body, but he doesn't care. He knows he will get an even worse beating if he is late. By the time he has made it up to Mark's office, he is out of breath and in so much pain that he has to lean against the wall for support. He knocks on the door, and he hears a loud come-in, and Louis walks into the office with his head down and stands in the middle of the room.

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