Chapter 13

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After they ate breakfast, Niall and Harry went into the trauma ward and talked to the victims. Many of them felt comfortable answering some simple questions, but nothing went into what they actually did to them. They found out that they were taken because the Crimson pack was the one who attacked the Rogue pack and took all the omega's. All the beta's and alpha from that pack were killed, and no one ever found out about how that pack went out. Harry told himself that he needed to look back into the Rogue pack and go through what they knew about that pack. They also knew what Mr. Tomlinson and his friends did to them, but they only implied it and did not go into detail. Harry asked that if needed, they can identify the members, and most of them said they could. Some of them didn't want ever to see their faces again, and others couldn't remember their faces, only scent and voice. It broke Harry's heart just listening to what they did to omega's, and it made him want to take down the Crimson pack more.

On the other hand, Niall was getting angrier by the minute because he knows he has an even better idea about what that pack was doing, and Louis was helping them. Niall told himself that he needed proof that Louis was the spy before telling Harry or even Liam and Zayn. This was a big accusation, and he needed to be sure.

"You are good at this. I think you should look into working down here. Maybe we can create an area down here where the victims can get better with music and art or something like that, " Harry said as they made their way out of the trauma unit.

"Really!?! You can do that?" Niall asked, getting excited.

"Yeah, why not? It would be good for them instead of staying in their rooms all day. I think we should also build a library, an eating area, music and art room. Make it homier and welcoming so they can feel more comfortable. What do you think?" Harry asked.

"I think it's a good idea, " Niall said, practically bouncing.

"Yeah? I'll move around some of the money and get a budget. Can I trust you with finding people and talking to the doctors and nurses? Oh, talk to the victims, ask them what they would like, and then find me, and we can come up with a solid plan. Maybe get Liam and Zayn on board as well; I know Liam wants to do some teaching/tutoring. I don't know, some of them are still really young, and if they are cleared enough, they can start going back to learning, so they are not too far behind." Harry suggested.

"Honestly, I think this is a good idea. Plus, if we can get more people from the pack to help, they will feel more welcomed. Do you know if they want to join the pack?" Niall asked, and Harry just shrugged.

"When they first got here, I offered them a spot. But I should ask them again because that was a while ago, " Harry said and pulled out his phone and started to make his never-ending to-do list. "I still need to email the dean. Ugh, so much work to do, and then I have an essay and a report I need to finish by the end of today."

"Well, you always work fast so that you will be fine. But can I stay with you a little longer?" Niall asked as they walked into Harry's room.

"Sure, " Harry said and plopped down in his desk chair and pulled out his laptop. Niall sat down on Harry's bed and pulled out his phone, making a list of the recovery trauma unit ideas.

For the past hour, Harry was going between doing his schoolwork and pack work. They had to go to Harry's office because there were so many files that Harry needed to skim through to answer their questions or take calls. Harry had finished the last bit of his essay and turned it in, and now he was working on his report. He had written out his to-do list, and as time went on, the list just kept growing, and Harry's stress levels were rising as well. It didn't help that his senses were heightened, and his inner alpha is getting harder to control. He needed to keep himself in check for Niall's sake, and he blames it on his stress levels.

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