Chapter 14

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Harry just left Niall's room when he bumped into Gemma.

"Hey Gems, I'm just going to see dad; wanna come?" Harry asked, and Gemma was holding a file in her hand.

"I was actually coming to see you, and sure," Gemma said, and they walked into the elevator. "So we figured out where Niall was poisoned from; it was at the football game. They put it in the beer, and we got a profile of the guy," she handed him the file, and Harry looked at the photo of the guy. In the photo, he was pouring something into Niall's beer when he was not looking, and because it was so packed, no one thought anything about it. Harry recognized the person but couldn't figure out where he had seen him before.

"Any hits in the system?" Harry asked, still looking at the photo.

"Nope," Gemma answered. "But here's the thing, why? Why poison Niall? We still don't know that."

"FUCK," Harry yelled and punched the elevator wall, and Gemma jumped.

"Haz?" Gemma asked, and Harry turned around, and his eyes turned into his wolf eyes. "Harry, calm down," Gemma said, trying to calm HArry down, who looked about two seconds away from ripping someone's head off.

"This person is Nick Grimshaw, one of Mark Tomlinson's right-hand men. They must've poison Niall to get to me, to keep me busy with taking care of a scared omega," Harry said after he was able to control his wolf. His eyes turned back to their normal colour, but he was still livid. He pulled out his phone and called Mack, and told her to meet him in the forest. "I need to go," the minute the elevator opened to their floor, Gemma got out, but Harry pressed the ground floor. Harry was angry with Mark with Nick with himself. Niall wouldn't be in the state he is in right now if he wasn't associated with him.

Harry's aura was strong, and everyone avoided him, sensing that Harry was angry and they didn't want to draw the short end of the stick. They just got out of his way and let him walk out to the forest without any interaction. There were only a handful of times where their head alphas have ever released such angry auras where the rest of the pack stirred clear of them. Once Mack senses the state Harry is in, she gets scared but has to try to compose herself.

"Mark was the one who poisons Niall, and I think he did it to keep me busy because he knows we are close to taking him. Please do whatever you can to move it up. I want him taken down, but I also want you to be mindful of the victims and the pack members. I don't want bloodshed," Harry said without any greeting; he just got straight to the point. "When do you think it can be done?"

"Earliest is next week, we have people surveilling the buildings, and we are still coming up with the safest plan to get everyone in and out," Mack said and had to take a big gulp seeing Harry's eyes.

"Do it," Harry said and handed her the file and walked further into the forest. Once he was far enough, he let out all his pent-up anger by screaming, and then he punched the nearest tree, and it fell. Harry stood there breathing heavily and staring at the fallen down tree. He was brought out of his state by his phone ringing, and he answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" Harry answered angrily and, in his alpha voice and heard a whimper on the other side. He checked the caller ID and saw that it was Louis. "Fuck, sorry Louis, I didn't know it was you who was calling," Harry said in a softer apologetic voice.

"It's fine. I got the feeling that you were angry, so I wanted to call and see if you're okay," Louis said, and Harry could tell that he was scared and shaken.

"I'm fine, and I'm so sorry Boo, I didn't mean to use my alpha voice on you. It has been one heck of a morning, and I just found something out, and I couldn't hold in all my anger from the past week. Shit, I'm sorry," Harry said, rubbing his forehead and saw blood dripping and noticed his knuckles were bleeding. "Shit," Harry whispered.

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