Chapter 8

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On Sunday, after Niall has fallen asleep again, Harry emailed the school explaining their situation and said that Niall and Harry wouldn't be in school for at least until Friday. The dean had said that she would email their teacher to send them their work. Then Harry put together a team of six wolves to investigate who poisoned Niall. He trusted Gemma to lead the investigation and keep Harry constantly in the loop. So far, they had broken up into three groups to talk to the school cafeteria, Nandos and then the football stadium, where they suspected that Niall was poisoned. Harry was changing the sheets as he placed Niall on the couch with a blanket covering him and wondering who would hurt the bubbly Irish lad. As much as Harry knows, everyone loves Niall, so who would do this? Harry carried Niall back to the bed and cleaned him up before tucking him into sleep. Then Harry went back to getting ahead in school, knowing his pack work would pile up during the week. He was watching a pre-recorded lecture and taking notes as he heard Niall start to stir and knows that Niall's next wave is coming. Harry just turned his chair and table, facing Niall's head and going back to his schoolwork. Luckily for him, the sound of his professor's voice in his ear and the fact that Harry was so focused had drowned out Niall's moans.

Monday, Harry was on the phone with Gemma ranting about how they couldn't find anything yet. He was trying to remain calm, knowing that he would frighten Niall's wolf if he yelled, and Harry cannot do that to Niall. Liam had come to visit Niall, but Liam was sitting outside of Niall's door on the phone with Harry as he talked to his friend. Liam had missed his two best friends. Of course, Harry's classmate noticed Harry's absence. Liam having basically all of his classes with Harry meant that he was constantly questioned about Harry's whereabouts. Liam was annoyed after the fifth person asked, and he kept his answer the same, 'Harry is sick.' He debated making a sign that said that and walked to all of his classes to stop people from asking him the same question 30 times a class. Half the people who asked had never even acknowledged his or Harry's existence, so saying Liam was confused would be an understatement.

Harry had also contacted Zayn that he tasked Liam and Gemma to start the process of letting Zayn into the pack. Zayn would have to fill out basic paperwork with his personal information to input it into their system. Then Zayn would have to fill out medical history paperwork and do a physical with one of the doctors to have that in their system. Then Zayn would have to go through an interview to make sure that he is who he says he is and not a spy since they had problems with that in the past. They don't believe Zayn is a spy, but they have to do that to be cautious. Then Harry had talked to Zayn about what being in the pack would mean and what they expect of Zayn. Everyone in the pack has to do at least one job for the pack: cooking, cleaning, being in the field, helping the kids, babysitting, or really any job they could think of. This allows the pack to run smoothly and allows the members to get more comfortable with everyone and start to build a bond. Then Harry had told him that he could try being in the pack for a week. If he liked it, he was permitted in the pack, and if not, they would protect him until he finds another pack and a list of packs taking in strays. Zayn obviously agreed to Harry's terms. Once the paperwork and interview went through, Liam would bring Zayn to the house and introduce him to everyone. Zayn's interview was set for Wednesday. Until then, their pack will protect Zayn just in case anything happens.

Harry also spent the day waking Niall to eat and drink water and take his medication. He had finished the notes that he needed for his lectures, and now he had his homework and assignments left for his classes. He took a break and called to talk to his parents. His father had stayed the same and told him that once Niall can leave the infirmary long enough for Harry to come out, Des can announce stepping down as head alpha and his health condition.

Louis and Harry had also been texting back and forth, just talking about random stuff that is not really important. Still, Harry and Louis loved it either way. Harry really liked Louis, and it was more than just a physical attraction at this point. He was also starting to develop a crush on Louis, which confused him again because he never liked anyone this quickly. Harry really loves that Louis was always very eager to get to know him, talk to him, and get closer in any way he can. They had talked on the phone when Niall was sleeping, and hearing the sound of Louis's voice made his wolf happy for some reason.

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