Chapter 18

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Harry left Louis to talk with his sisters and Dr. Manning, and he explained everything and answered all their questions that they had. Harry went back to the house, and he was making his way to the dining hall when he bumped into Gemma coming down the stairs.

"Hey Gems," Harry said and opened his arms and hugged his sister. "I'm sorry I've been a shitty brother, you needed me after Dad's passing, and I wasn't here for you."

"No, I get it, the pack was in danger, and you had to attack first before they attack us, so I get it. I miss him already, and it's only been a day," Gemma cried into HArry's shoulder, and Harry had tears in his eyes as well.

"I know. I've been trying to keep my emotions at bay all day. I wish we would've had had a little more time. I thought we had at least one more week," Harry said, and Gemma shook her head.

"When they say they have how time left, that means that they can die anytime within the time frame. Why did they have to keep so much away from us?" Gemma asked brokenly and buried her head further into Harry.

"I don't know Gems; I don't know. How's mum?" Harry asked, and Gemma pulled back from the hug and shrugged.

"She has been upstairs in their room since he passed, I was just up there, and she is not doing so well," Gemma answered, and the siblings walked over to the dining hall. "Are you ready for the announcement?"

"No, I never wanted to do this, but I have to. We also need to plan the send away for when? Saturday? That will give us a day and a half, is that okay?" Harry asked, and Gemma nodded. When they opened the door to the dining hall, everyone stopped talking and turned their attention to the siblings. Harry gave them all a small wave and walked over to their stage. "Hi everyone, I know you have all probably heard the rumours about my father, Desmond Styles, and I am sad to say that it is true. He passed away yesterday at around 3 pm. He died on the surgery table after he had complications with his lungs. Gemma and I will organize the send-off, and we will let you all know the details. I will save my speech for the send-off, but I want to say. Desmond was an amazing head alpha and gave his life and soul to this pack. He was incredibly proud of what we were doing here, and I hope to continue what he had built, but I cannot do it without you. May he rest in peace," Harry said, trying not to cry. He stepped off the stage and went over to his friends, and Liam immediately pulled him into a hug.

"You can let it out," Liam whispered, and Harry couldn't hold it in anymore, and he let all his tears come out and started to sob into Liam's shoulder. He felt another arm wrapped around him and knows that Niall has also joined in on the hug. Liam and Niall both had tears of their own rolling down their faces, and so did most of the pack members.

"I wish he was still here. I wish he didn't have to leave me," Harry said in between sobs. "Why do they always take the good ones so soon?"

"Because they are needed elsewhere," Niall said, and Harry sobbed harder.

"I still need him," Harry said brokenly. "I still need you, Dad," Harry whispered, and Liam and Niall hugged him tighter. Harry can hear Gemma also crying to her friends and hear other people's sobs around the room.

"He will always be with you anywhere you go. He will watch over you and protect you from above," Liam said, and HArry just continued to cry.

"How about we grab our food, and the three of us will go upstairs to your room and cry it all out or talk about anything. I know you have been really stressed out, and you haven't told us about your spontaneous rut," Niall said, and Harry nodded. They pulled back from the hug and grabbed their plate of food, and the three of them headed upstairs to HArry's room. The ride up was quiet.

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