Chapter 11

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"How was the tour?" Niall asked as Zayn and Liam walked into the kitchen as Harry washes, and Niall dries the dishes.

"Really impressive, this place is bigger than my old pack, and the people are really friendly here, " Zayn said, sitting down on one of the stools by the island.

"Thanks, " Harry said properly. "Your room all set up?"

"Yup, although I won't stay there much because I will be on campus for most nights but thank you for giving me a bed, " Zayn said and taking the glass of juice Liam handed him.

"Your welcome, " Harry said, handing his last dish over to Niall. "Ni and I have to go, and the announcement will be at 5 in the dining room when dinner is being set up, so you have to be there."

"Will do, alpha, " Liam said and saluted, which Harry salutes back before walking out with Niall trailing behind him. When Harry gets to his office, the alpha Mackenzie is already sitting in there waiting.

"Mr. Baby Styles, Mr. Horan, " she said and shook both their hands.

"Harry but hello Mack, " Harry said and sat down on his chair, and Mack sat down opposite him. Niall sat down on the couch in his office on his phone. "What's going on? Why did you ask to see me?"

"There's talk about Mr. Tomlinson hiring a spy to take down our pack. He knows we know what they are doing, and we need another three weeks before we can move in, but I am scared that their spy already knows our plans, " Mackenzie said. The mention of Mr. Tomlinson makes Niall tune into the conversation. Still, he makes it looking like he is on his phone and not listening.

"Any idea who it might be?" Harry asked, leaning forward on the table.

"I don't know, and it could be anyone. How much do you trust the new stray?" Mackenzie questioned.

"I watched the interview myself, talked to him in a friendly manner, I paid very close attention to him. I have no reason to doubt him, but I will say the timing is weird, " Harry admits. "I want to keep a close eye on everyone. For all we know, the spy could have been here for a month or two; this investigation has been going on for nearly 10 months. Have you found out any more of what they are doing?"

"Yes, sir, Mr. Tomlinson is not only enslaving omega's, but he is breeding them and then taking away their ability to carry and then selling them as sex slaves, " Mackenzie said and showed Harry the file of all the information and pictures they have found.

"Are you sure you can't move the bust earlier?" Harry asked, going through the file.

"No, we do it too soon. We won't have enough evidence. Everything we found cannot be used as evidence in court, " Mackenzie said and sighed.

"What about the victims we already rescued from their last location?" Harry asked. Niall was really trying to stay calm at what he was hearing. He knows they are talking about the Crimson pack and Mark specifically, and he is starting to wonder about Louis.

"They are still too traumatized to even go anywhere near them; they don't trust any of us, " Mackenzie said. "What do you want to do?"

"If we can get them to talk, do you have enough information to move it up?" Harry asked his own question.

"Yes, we do. We have all if not most of their locations, and depending on what they say, we might have more major players than Mr. Tomlinson and his two friends."

"I will go and try to talk to them, " Harry said and got up and gather all their files on the Crimson pack. "Anything else?"

"No, that was all Harry, " Mackenzie said, and they shook hands, and she left.

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