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One year later

A lot has happened in the past year. Louis has fully regained the trust of Liam and Niall, and the five of them became really close friends. Niall and Shawn had started dating a month after the send-off. Zayn and Liam officially announced their relationship, which no one was surprised about. The Tomlinson's have adjusted to the pack pretty quickly. Some people were hesitant about them, but they soon realized that they are nothing like Mark and his team. They dragged through the media when the case went to court, especially because Louis was famous, but the Styles Pack had defended them. Once all the evidence was presented, the media shut up. Lottie took over the family business, and everyone was out pursuing their dream. Louis had to retry out for the football team, but they allowed him to play next session. Louis and Harry came out as an official couple 6 months after the send-off and became famous. Still, they kept the fact that they were soulmates to themselves for now. They would let the world know after they got mated to each other. Harry had found a balance between being a good head alpha, a good student and an even better boyfriend. Harry was there at every single one of Louis's games on the sidelines, cheering him on along with Niall, Liam, Zayn and Shawn. Mentally Louis had recovered as well from all the abuse he had been suffering and was in a much better place now.

They were able to build the recovery trauma unit. Louis would also spend time down there teaching the kids football or goofing around with them. Niall and Shawn taught them music. Zayn taught them art, and Liam helped them catch up with school. More members of the pack would come down and either hang out with the victims, or they would teach them something as well. This really helped the victims come out of their shells and recover more, knowing that they have other people's support. However, Harry is warily about the number of new people down there because he doesn't want to overwhelm them too much. Harry has been down there as much as he can, and he really loved how the idea turned out.

Every three months Louis and Harry would lock themselves on their floor. They would spend the next 5 days of their heat/rut having mind-blowing sex. Then they would spend the last two days of the week just being wrapped up in each other. 

It is now their one-year anniversary, and Zayn was driving Louis to his team's football field.

"Have fun," Zayn said once they arrived, and Louis got out of the car and followed the rose petals into the stadium. Once he got to the field, he could see a table set up in the middle of the field, but on the bleachers, Harry had put 'Happy one year to my lovely.'

"This was where we first met, didn't see each other in person, but the first time we were drawn to each other. One year ago, I met my amazing lovely, my little omega, my Boobear, my Louis," Harry said and walked closer to Louis, and they were both in suits.

"Harry, this is amazing. How did you manage this?" Louis said and walked closer to Harry and walked into his opened arms.

"Well, it was pretty easy when your boyfriend is on the team," Harry said and pulled out of the hug a bit to kiss Louis. "Happy one year."

"Happy one year, my alpha," Louis said and leaned in to kiss Harry again, this one a bit more passionately.

"Shall we eat?" Harry asked and led Louis to the table and pulled out his chair for him before sitting across from him. 

They spent the rest of dinner talking and laughing, reminiscing about their relationship, and telling each other embarrassing stories about their childhood. Then they danced under the stars and then started to chase each other on the field. They then also started a small one-on-one game of football. Of course, Louis won because he is a professional football player and Harry is a baby giraffe. They stayed lying on the field, just looking up at the stars as they calmed down.

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