Chapter 17

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After staying at the Crimson Packhouse for a couple more minutes, just walking through the house making sure no one is still there and nothing that will harm his pack is there, he leaves to go back to the house and straight to the infirmary. He talks to Dr. Halstead, and he gives him the rundown of the victims and most of them are not badly hurt. Some of them have dropped after having had beats so hard that they nearly lost their lives, but they could save them for now. Dr. Halstead walked him to his examination room, and in there, Liam, Zayn, Niall, Shawn and Gemma were waiting, and they all came in and hugged Harry when he saw him enter the room. Harry showed no emotion and is more on autopilot than anything.

"I was informed that you went into a rut, " Dr. Halstead said once Harry had jumped up on the bed.

"Yup, " Harry said, and Dr. Halstead started to draw blood.

"You have been taking your suppressants?" Dr. Halstead asked, and Harry nodded. "Okay, this might be a weird question but have you been seeing anyone lately or kissed anyone?" Harry frowned but answered anyway.

"Yes, why?" Harry asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the wall in front of him to look at Dr. Halstead.

"Well, I won't know until the blood results come back, but um, this person, we're you drawn to their scent immediately? Felt this pull to them and this need to protect them? We're able to feel their really strong emotions and the needed to be around them as much you can?" Dr. Halstead asked hesitantly, and Harry sat there just thinking about it and slowly nodded. "Well, I think you went into a rut because you met your soulmate. When you kiss your soulmate for the first time, it will trigger, in your case, the omega's heat, and them being in heat and around you would trigger your rut. It is incredibly rare, and hasn't been any new cases in years, but when you meet your soulmate, their scent stands out the most. It is stronger, more intoxicating to you, and you would feel a pull towards them, an attraction you can't quite explain. You can also feel their really strong emotions like bonded mates even when you are not bonded. When you are away from them, you just want to be around them again or have some sort of contact with them, so you know that they are okay. So congratulations Harry, you found your soulmate, " Halstead said, trying to be cheerful in a sombre evening. Still, Harry held his emotionless face and nodded. Emotionally Harry has disconnected to do his job without wanting to cry and then rip a tree apart.

"Thank you, " Harry said with no emotions and a curt nod. Dr. Halstead walked out of the room, and Liam, Zayn, Gemma and Niall came back into his room.

"What did he say?" Gemma asked, and Harry could tell she had been crying for hours.

"How did he go? Was it peaceful? How's mum?" Harry asked, and it scared everyone how emotionless Harry looked and sounded.

"He had to come down to the infirmary because there was a complication and had to go in for surgery. He died on the table, and mum is upstairs in her room. Her friends are up there with her right now, " Gemma answered, tearing up, and Niall wrapped his arms around her.

"Okay, I need to go and talk to our spy, " Harry said and jumped off the bed.

"I hope you know that I had no idea about Louis; I didn't even know Louis was an omega, " Zayn said, scared that Harry would think that he was a part of Mark and Louis's plan.

"We cleared you a week ago, " Harry said before walking out of the room. After taking the key back from Liam, he jogged up to his floor and went into his room to change. He grabbed the clothes he was just wearing and got in his car to go back to prison. He went over to Louis's cell and changed him before talking to the interrogation leader. He started to go through the files of the people they had already talked to.

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