Chapter 5

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Harry woke up to the sound of a heavy book dropping on the table, and he shot up for where his head was lying on the table. He was disoriented when he woke up, and it took Harry a while to actually register what or who he was looking at. In front of him was Liam, who was looking at him with a confused look and head cocked to the side.

"Afternoon mate, you look dead," Liam said kind of amusingly.

"What time is it?" Harry asked, looking around the room and ignoring Liam's comment.

"It's 2 pm, mate," Liam said and then dropped stacks of files on Harry's desk. "I've been looking for you for like 2 hours, and you haven't been answering. Gems let me in," Liam said and pulled out his phone and took a picture of a still disorientated Harry. "Here," Liam gave him his phone, and Harry saw his appearance. His curls were sticking up in every direction from pulling it late last night and early this morning. His eyes were swollen and brimmed red from all the crying and forcing himself to continue reading. His face is pale, and he has dark circles underneath his eyes, and his bottom lip was swollen from biting it so hard. If Harry were more awake, he would have had a better reaction aside from just looking at him with dead eyes.

"Okay, what time did you sleep? Why are you in the office anyway?" Liam asked, taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk.

"I first fell asleep at like 7 am but was woken up by Jackson delivering me his report that was about 9, and then I was reading it, and I must have fallen asleep in the middle of it," Harry said, looking down at the file that he was almost done reading.

"Okay, but why were you in here all night?" Liam asked, looking around the office. Although being Harry's friend, he had come up to the top floor multiple times but only to Harry's room. He never really wandered around and never came into his office. There's an entire floor dedicated to the office work of the pack, and that has meeting rooms, offices for the head alpha and offices for the leaders that exist within the pack.

"I wanted to get myself as familiar as possible with everything to know about the pack. So far, I have read everything about our past and present charity works and how we get our fundings and the charity we support and donate to. I was then reading up on the files we have on all members and trying to get their backstory, strengths, weaknesses, current job in the pack, life outside the pack. Then I looked through all of our employees and how we pay them and their monthly report about their job here. I was about to start reading about our stray system and taking in pups when Jackson interrupted me," Harry said, running his hand through his hair, trying to calm the curlies, but they are not cooperating today.

"Okay, you need a break. You look worse than you do when I find you passed out during a study session. Go shower and get ready. We will pick up some take-out and head back to your dorm room. We will talk," Liam said, walking over to Harry and practically pulling Harry out of the chair.

"I need to read all of those reports," Harry said, walking back to the desk and effectively pulling Liam with him.

"For someone who is half-dead, you are surprisingly strong," Liam said but stood his ground and Harry could not move him but making Liam work for it.

"Li, seriously, I need to get this done. I already finished my school work so I could spend today doing pack work," Harry said but stopped moving since it was not going anywhere.

"Harry, I admire your dedication and devotion to the pack, but seriously, you look like you need to sleep for a week, and I know you have been crying. Give yourself today off or at least a few hours to refresh, eat and sleep," Liam said, and Harry seemed to hesitate before reluctantly nodding and letting Liam drag him to his room. "Go and shower. I'll get you some change of clothes." Harry did as told and hopped in the shower longer than intended since he let his mind wander under the water. Once he was done washing, he dried himself before securing a towel around his waist. He dried his hair before walking out of the bathroom to the pile of clothes on his bed beside Liam.

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