Chapter 15

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When Louis arrived at the dorm room, he quickly ran in, put his head down and his sunglasses and cap on. Once he got to Harry's floor, he saw Harry entering with Niall, Liam and Zayn and Louis sprinted and practically pushed them into the room and shut the door and locked it behind him.

"Hey, Lou, what wa-" Harry started once he noticed it was Louis who pushed them in but was cut off by Louis crashing their lips together. The other three boys stood there awkwardly, not really knowing what to do but smiling at their friends.

"I know we are new, but I am going into heat, and I really need your help with it. I haven't been in heat since I was thirteen, and I can't do this alone. Please help me," Louis whispered in Harry's ear before he started to trail kisses down Harry's neck. Harry pulled Louis away from him and just stared at him with wide eyes.

"Louis, you are going- what?" Harry asked confusedly, but now that he was thinking of it, it made sense why Louis smelt better and was really hot when they woke up yesterday.

"Please, I will explain more afterwards, but we don't really have much time. Can we go back to your place?" Louis asked with pleading, panicked eyes; he still had a couple of hours before his heat would fully kick in. He is no longer aware of his surroundings. Still, he is already producing slick, and the scent will attract unmated alphas.

"Can't we go to your house? Your nest is there, and you might feel more comfortable spending it there," Harry said, aware of the other three still in the room. He can smell Louis's slick which was not helping the situation.

"My dad, I can't. Please Harry, I really need you, and we can't go anywhere else. I haven't gone through the heat in ages, and I don't want to do this alone. I have my birth control and the morning-after pill, and I am ready. I need you," Louis said, and Harry nodded his head, but it was more of his wolf controlling him.

"I'm sorry, but heat?" After following the interaction, Zayn looked at Louis with wide, confused eyes and Liam mirroring his expression. Niall was nervously biting his nails, knowing that Louis coming to the house was a bad idea and knowing how bad it is spending a spontaneous heat alone after a long time of not going through it.

"I don't have time to explain, but I am an omega and not an alpha. Harry, please," Louis said, taking a step closer to Harry, where he rested his chin on Harry's chest.

"I will block off my floor, and we will take the secret entrance up, so no one else sees Louis lower the risk of your father finding out. Liam and Zayn, can I trust you two to bring us food and water and Niall, will you be okay by yourself for 5 days?" Harry asked, wrapping one arm around Louis and the other pulling Niall's hand away from his mouth.

"I have my nest, Shawn, my dad and a bunch of your jumpers, so I should be fine. If not, I will be on your floor," Niall said, and Louis growled at Niall. Niall backed up at the sound, and his wolf started to feel attacked.

"Louis," Harry said, and Louis seemed to realize what he just did.

"I am so sorry, Niall, I didn't mean to do that," Louis said with sincerity written all over his face.

"It's fine," Niall said shakily, and Harry let go of Louis and went to comfort Niall. Niall melted into the hug, and his wolf calmed back down, being so close to Harry and nuzzling his nose in the crook of HArry's neck.

"Thank you, I'm fine now," Niall whispered after a while, and Harry pulled back to scan over Niall's face.

"Are you sure?" Harry asked, and Niall nodded. Harry turned around to see Louis looking at the two with jealousy written on his face, and Harry smiled at that before giving Louis a quick kiss. "Niall and I are just friends. I love him but as a brother," Harry whispered into Louis's ear and hugged him. "Let's go before your scent gets stronger, plus we need to talk about some things while you are still coherent." Louis nodded, and Harry turned back to look at his confused faces. "We will explain later, but right now, we need to go to the house. Thank you for this, really." Harry held Louis's hand and used his other hand to push the other three out of the room, and he locked it before the four of them made a protective box around Louis, and they hurried down the stairs. Louis got into HArry's car, and Niall, Liam and Zayn went into Liam's car and drove to the packhouse.

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