Chapter 2

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Harry woke up the next day happy that he only has one morning lecture today. He was walking to the cafeteria to meet up with Liam, and then they are heading to their lecture today. Harry may not be stressed about school, but he is stressed that he needs to start getting ready to take over the pack from his father. His father Desmond is getting sick, he refuses to tell Harry or Gemma or anyone in the pack what he is dying of, but all they know is that he is dying. Harry has been preparing for taking over for the past month ever since he found about his illness. His parents planned to get Harry ready after finishing his studies, but life has another plan for him. People have told him that he will make a good pack alpha, but Harry doesn't believe him. He doesn't want to quit his studies or career, but he would always choose the pack if it comes down to the pack or his career. He knows many pack alphas have other careers along with their duties as pack alpha. Still, their pack, Styles, has been doing many missions and charity work. They are a pack that's very involved, and it takes a lot of time and planning.

"Good morning mate, do you know what your dad has in store for you today?" Liam said as Harry walked up to their table. Liam handed Harry his tea and grabbed his books, and made their way to the first lecture.

"Well, training day is tomorrow, my lessons are on Sunday, and that makes today surprise day, so no," Harry said with a sigh and taking a sip of his tea. "I'm hoping it's like finding new members for the pack."

"Well, whatever it is, if you need my help, you know where to find me, " Liam said, clapping a hand on Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, mate. Are you coming back to the packhouse for the weekend?" Harry asked. Niall's family had joined the pack back when Niall first moved here, and Liam joined the pack only 6 months ago.

"I might, maybe Ni and I can do some training," Liam said.

"Ni is still dead asleep; although it was weird yesterday at the game, I thought I smelt an omega, but the scent was so intoxicating. Not like any omega I've ever smelt before, and I think that is throwing me off. Today Ni smelt like he was going into heat. Still, he's on suppressants, so I think whatever I smelt yesterday is messing with me," Harry said as they entered their classroom.

"Maybe it was Niall you smelt," Liam said, pulling out his notes.

"No, it didn't smell like the omega was going into heat. It smelt different. I don't know. It's been bugging me," Harry said, slumping into his chair as he waited for the professor. "Have you heard anything about Tomlinson?"

"No updates, just that he's been transferred to his pack doctor," Liam said.

"Whose pack is he a part of?" Harry asked, not really sure why he is so interested in the footballer.

"Crimson, I think. His father is the alpha," Liam said, and Harry snapped his head towards Liam so fast.

"Mark Tomlinson is his father?" Harry asked, and Liam looked at him confusedly and nodded. Harry remembers his father telling Harry which packs he should stay out of the way and which packs need to be taken down. Crimson is one of those packs and, more specifically, Mark Tomlinson. Harry doesn't know the reason behind it, but he knows that his father was serious and seemed to really emphasize that Harry needs to stir clear of them. Harry really needs to do his research on the Tomlinson family clan and their pack. He doesn't even know what they look like or who is in that family.

"Why?" Liam asked after a while of Harry not saying anything.

"Nothing, just heard things about him," Harry said, trying to sound nonchalant.

"Yeah, I heard he's a great pack leader and father. Most pack leaders would get their eldest alpha to follow in their footsteps and take over. Still, he is letting Tomlinsonlive his own life and pursue a career in football. I don't know if Tomlinson is prepared to take over but as pack leader. Still, I know their family business is going to his sister or something like that," Liam said. Harry just stared at Liam for a couple of seconds.

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