Chapter 19

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It is Saturday morning, and Harry was in the gym at 5 am on the treadmill. Louis came walking in his pyjama pants and a blanket wrapped around his shoulder; he had his hair sticking up in every direction and looked very tired.

"How long have you been in here?" Louis asked loudly, and Harry looked up into the mirror and saw Louis in his tired state walking towards him.

"What time is it?" Harry asked, a bit out of breath as he continued to run.

"5 am," Louis said, looking at the clock. Harry stopped the treadmill and got off, walking over to the bench where his water was placed.

"2 hours or so," Harry replied and took a big gulp of water before wiping his sweat with a towel.

"You have been in the gym for two hours at this ungodly hour?" Louis asked, sitting on the bench beside where Harry was standing still drinking his water.

"Couldn't sleep, needed to get some energy out," Harry replied.

"We could've done something else to get some energy out," Louis mutters, not wanting Harry to hear. Still, by the smirk on his face, he definitely did. Louis blushed at that and uncomfortably coughed. "Is this about tonight?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm just scared," Harry said with a sigh and sat down beside Louis. "I am not ready to say goodbye to him, and once we push his body away in the lake, then he really is gone. I'm not ready for that."

"I know what you mean. It makes it seem so real. When we had to do that for my mum, it was one of the worst things to do. Still, at the same time, it was a nice way to say goodbye," Louis said and took a towel and wiped away Harry's sweat from his neck and shoulder before placing his head down on his shoulder. "You and Gemma planned a beautiful ceremony, it will be amazing, and everyone will get the closure they need."

"Thanks, my lovely," Harry said and kissed Louis's head. "I think I'm going to shower, and then we can go back to bed." Louis nodded, got up, and held out his hand for Harry to take, and they went back up to their floor and into their room. Harry hopped in the shower, and Louis went back to bed and waited for Harry to join him. Not long after, Harry came out of the shower freshly cleaned in just his boxers and climbed into bed with Louis. They cuddled up to each other. Then Louis fell asleep again, and Harry lay awake for another hour before letting exhaustion take over, and he fell asleep as well.


The entire packhouse was on edge today, and all the senior members helped Harry and Gemma set everything up. In contrast, the other members stayed in the house, keeping each other company. Both Gemma and Harry kept themselves busy so they wouldn't cry throughout the day, and Anne had come out of her room to help with the decorations.

About an hour before sunset, everyone started to come out of the house and made their way to the lake and Harry was dressed in a suit and Gemma and Anne were dressed in formal dresses. They were standing right in front of the lake beside their father's body that was lying in a boat.

Once everyone got there and settled down, Harry cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Dad always loved sunsets, so here we are about to send you off at sunset. I always knew that I would be in this position one day but never thought it would have happened before I was 20 years old. I have only known my father for 19 years, but I have loved him during those short years he was in my life. He was my role model; he was my best friend; he was my rock. He taught me everything I know and was always there for me even when I messed up badly. He did punish me, but he also made sure that I learned from my mistakes, and he helped me fix my mistakes. Being the head alpha, he didn't have much time for anything else, but he always made time for myself and Gemma. He was there for every achievement and award we won, no matter how small or stupid it was. He was the one cheering the loudest in the audience. At the time, I just wanted to melt into a puddle because of embarrassment, but now all I want is to hear him cheer that loud again. He has dedicated his life to this pack and has made so much change in the world, he did an amazing job with it, and I am so happy to be called Desmond Styles's son. I love you, dad. You still have so much to teach me, so much to yell at me for, so much to watch me achieve, so much comforting you still need to do. I will never forget anything you taught me, and most of all, I will never forget you. I hope that you are in a better place, and I know that wherever you are, helping the less fortunate just because that is who you are. I promise I will do everything in my power to make you proud. I will be the best head alpha I can be; I will be the best son I can be; I will best the person I can be. I love you so much, and I miss you. Forever and always," Harry is holding back tears. 

He grabbed a flower and placed it on his father's chest before stepping back. Then Gemma grabbed a flower and placed it beside's HArry, and Anne did the same thing. Soon everyone had a flower in their hands and placed it in Desmond's boat. Harry grabbed a torch and lit it on fire, and Gemma and Anne grabbed onto it as well, and the three of them walked over to Desmond's boat.

"Rest in peace," they all said at the same time and dropped the torch in the boat, and they pushed the boat away from the shore and watched their father being sent off towards the sunset. Everyone watched until the boat cannot be seen, and you can only see fire on water, and they started to make their way over to where the food was. Gemma and Anne walked away, but Harry stayed rooted to where he was. Soon Louis had a plate of food and came over to Harry and stood beside him to look out to the horizon.

"It was beautiful, everything," Louis whispered, and Harry nodded, neither of them taking their eyes away from the horizon.

"I wish he could've seen this sunset; he would have loved it and probably spend hours just sitting here even though it was pitched black," Harry said and reached over to grab Louis's hand in his own.

"I'm sure wherever he is, he is sitting here and appreciating this very sunset," Louis said and leaned his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, I really wished you got to meet him," Harry said and placed his head on Louis's head.

"I really wished I did too. I have only ever heard good things about that man," Louis said.

"He really was so much more than what the public perceives of him, great alpha, a better father," Harry said, and Louis turned his head a bit and kissed HArry's cheek.

"The apple does not fall far from the tree then," Louis said.

"I'm not a father," Harry said.

"Not yet, and when we are parents. You will be an amazing father just like your father," Louis said, and Harry smiled at that. Louis wants to start a family together, and he believes that he will make a good father.

"So will you, my lovely, you may not have the best role model, but I've seen the way you are with your sisters. You will be amazing as well," Harry said and kissed Louis's forehead.

"Thanks, my alpha," Louis said and lifted the plate of food he was holding. "Wanna stay here and eat?" Harry nodded, and they sat down with Louis's head on Harry's shoulder, and they ate quietly as they watched the sunset in front of them.

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