Chapter 12

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It was silent for a while. Louis tried to collect his thoughts while Harry waited patiently, not trying to push Louis.

"My father, he hates me with every fibre of his being. His hatred towards me started when my mother passed away just a few weeks before I went into my first heat, and I turned in an omega. He started to physically, mentally, and emotionally abuse me. Still, I found out later that he always hated me and just pretended to love me because of my mum. I am not biologically related to him in any way. My mum married him when I was really young, so I took his last name. He didn't want me to be an omega, so he made me take suppressants and alpha spray so no one would find out. My sisters all know about the abuse and that I'm not an alpha, but we can't do anything. My eldest sister is trying to retake control of my grandparents' company on my mother's side. Due to their marriage, he inherited it after my mother died. My dad doesn't hurt my sisters; he only hurts me, but my sisters will get hurt if I leave. We can't run because he has eyes and ears everywhere and will find us no matter where we go. Once he finds us, he will treat us worse than he already does, and I can't live with myself if my sisters get hurt. My dad is a ruthless, powerful person, and I still don't fully know how much of a monster he truly is." Louis explained. "No one has figured it out until you. How did you know?"

"I don't know. You smell of omega, really good, so when Zayn told me you're an alpha, I was shocked and thought that I was just stressed. But then you asked me questions that you should have known, and I just went with my gut, " Harry said. "I'm sorry about your father; he sounds like a horrible man, and no one deserves that, especially you. I'm here if you need to talk or drop or absolutely anything."

"Thank you, you have no idea what that means to me, " Louis said and got up to look at Harry. They stared into each other's eyes for a while before Louis leaned in and kissed Harry passionately. Harry flipped them around so that Louis isn't hurting his one good arm. Harry is supporting himself on his hand, making sure not to crush Louis's arm. He leaned back down for another slow but passionate kiss, and they moved in sync with each other. Then Harry licked Louis's bottom lip to ask for entrance which Louis opened his mouth and their tongues danced together.

They stayed snogging like that for some time before they had to pull back for air, and Harry immediately attached his lips onto Louis's neck. Louis threw his head to give Harry more room, and Harry gladly took. He found Louis's sweet spot when Louis let out a moan which he covered his mouth right away, aware that Niall was still in the bathroom. Harry sucked, licked and lightly bit at Louis's neck and made love bites all over it.

"We should probably stop there before I'm not able to. I want our first time together to be special, and I want to hear every beautiful sound you make, " Harry whispered in Louis's ear, and Louis let out a soft moan.

"Not fair, I'm too turned on right now, " Louis said with a cute pout that Harry had to lean in and kiss it away.

"Oh my omega, I am too, but I will never hear the end of it from Niall if we continue, " Harry said and got off of Louis. "Thank you for telling me, for trusting me enough to tell me."

"I don't understand why but I trust you; my wolf trusts you and is always content in your presence, " Louis said.

On the other side of the door, Niall had listened to everything Louis told Harry, and part of him felt bad, but the other part of him doesn't believe it. He doesn't know if Louis is saying that to manipulate Harry into feeling sorry for him and fall for him more. He doesn't want to believe that Louis is the spy. He doesn't want to see his best friend heartbroken because he knows that Harry is falling for Louis, fast and hard. Harry is too blinded by his infatuation with Louis to see that he doesn't really know Louis. Niall knows that Harry doesn't even know Louis's last name and since their file on the Crimson pack doesn't have a picture of Louis or any of the children. Niall only hopes that Harry finds out, but he doesn't know how to tell him without him finding out that Niall has been listening. Harry is also very stressed with being head alpha and with school and dealing with Niall that Niall feels bad for piling this on. He also doesn't even know if he can trust Zayn. Zayn is Louis's best friend. Zayn could be working with Louis, Louis works on getting Harry to like and trust him and Zayn focuses on the pack in case Louis can't get in. Niall wants to talk to someone, but he knows he can't make false accusations because he has no proof, but he can't prove it since he is also by Harry. He needs to get his wolf to calm down and be comfortable without Harry soon and fast so that he can find out more about Louis.

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