AAO Part 23

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
Serena's jaw dropped, as she could hardly even fathom what was happening. They were fighting over her, as if she was some trophy to be won.

"Stop!" she cried. "You act as though I am an inanimate object! I have a voice! I have a right to make my own choices! And the truth is that I don't want to be with either one of you!  You are both greedy, and mad with power! You are literally one in the same!  I'm not going to be with either of you!"

They both turned to look at her, as they shared the same stone-cold expression. Their faces held little to no emotion, as they both stared into her eyes.

"My brother and I may not agree on much, but I can assure you that we do agree on one thing." Xander told her. "Neither one of us is willing to give you that option. Even if we didn't love you, we still couldn't let you go. You know our family's secret. The rest of the world must never know the truth about the Papadonis family. Just like Theseus, and the Athenian royal family, they would try to destroy us."

"You are horrible!" she exclaimed. "Both of you. Either the Minotaur is raping some poor girl in his hidden layer, or he is hunting men for sport. And you Xander!  You are the one who brings them here! For what?  Power? Money?  One of you has a sick bloodlust, while the other one lusts for power, and you both share an uncontrollable lust for women. Neither one of you cares about who gets hurt, as long as you get what you want!"

"Serena, as long as you are with me, I will be able to control myself." The Minotaur explained. "Just having you here with me, will curb my hunger for human flesh. With you here for me to love, I will be able to sustain my need to hunt man. And as long as I have you, I will not need to love any other woman."

"I am not leaving her here with you!" Xander growled.

A wicked smile soon grew upon the Minotaur's face. "And what are you going to do about it, brother? I am the one in control, not you!  I have all the power!  Without me you would have nothing. Hell, the entire Papadonis bloodline would have nothing! Try and take her from me, and I will kill you. I no longer need the Papadonis bloodline, for my Ariana has returned to me. I no longer have any use for the outside world!  Leave us, and I will gladly give you the entire Papadonis empire!  But try and take her from me, and it will be the last thing that you ever do!"

"I could kill you." Xander stated, as he had a cold look upon his emotionless face. "I would not only have Serena all to myself, but I would become whole again. All the power of the ruby, the power of the Minotaur would belong to me."

"Don't make me laugh." The Minotaur sneered. "You have neither the guts, nor the strength to kill me. And even if you did, we both know you wouldn't do it. I don't need to have you alive to keep my immortality. But you need me to stay alive so that you can keep yours. You may love Serena, but you would never give up living forever. And even if you could, you don't have the means to destroy me."

"Don't test my patience." Xander growled through his gritted teeth. He then lifted his shirt and unsheathed a dagger that he had kept hidden from his brother. The Minotaur flashed Xander a wicked smile and walked right up to him.  As he got right in Xander's face, they were only mere inches from one another. 

"Go ahead." The Minotaur laughed. "Kill me, if you can. Try and destroy me with your little toy. We both know Theseus had a special sword to run us through so long ago. The sword that Ariana's brother used on us had no effect. That special sword is the only thing that can kill me, and it has been lost for thousands of years."

"Then I guess you have nothing to worry about." Xander replied, as he returned his brothers wicked smile. Xander's smile soon disappeared, as his face hardened. Without warning, Xander plunged the dagger straight into the Minotaur's stomach. The beast gasped, as his eyes shot open.  Blood soon began to ooze out of his mouth.

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