HES Part 32

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(I do not own the images to these stories.)
"No!" Odile cried. "I will not let you take one of my babies from me! Guards!"

"They cannot hear you my dear." Rothbart coldly replied, as his face held no emotion. "I have put a spell on this entire castle. Everyone and everything within these castle walls is frozen in time. It is only this room, that has not been effected."

"I do not believe you!" She cried.

"Go ahead." He sneered. "Continue to call for the guards, and when they do not come—then maybe you will believe me. But even if I am lying, I really do not think that you will want them to come. Because I am sure that your beloved Friedrick, or Siegfried the Second as he is now known, will not be far behind. And we both know that you really would not want to explain to him, my reason for being here. Perhaps he would like to know the truth, of who you really are."

"You would not dare!" She exclaimed.

"Well then let us find out, shall we?" He replied. "I will unfreeze him. Then you can explain to him why everyone else in his castle is frozen in time. And then you can explain to him, as to why I am here."

"Why are you doing this?" She cried. "I am your daughter. How can you do this to me?"

"Am I hurting you Odile?" He asked in a sarcastic tone. "You assume that just because I am your father, that I am automatically supposed to love you. Well, one might say the same thing about a daughter's love for her mother. I showed the same amount of love for you, that you showed for her. And even in the end, she still sacrificed everything for you. Because of what she did for you, you got what you wanted. But I have lost everything. So the way I see it, you owe me."

Odile's body began to shake, as she could feel the anger building up inside of her. Tears fueled by anger began to stream down her face.

"All this time, I wanted nothing more than your love." She cried. "And my mother who loved me more than anything, I had completely rejected. I have been a fool for all of these years, I craved the wrong parent's love."

"That was your mistake Odile, not mine." He quipped.

"I will not let you take either of my children away from me. I will die first!" She growled.

"Oh my dear." He replied. "You know I would never make it that simple."


All of a sudden, with a wave of his hand, Odile and her daughters froze.

"My dear Odile." He sighed. "I do not have time for your posturing, nor do I have time for your newly discovered moral fiber. And quite frankly, the very thought of anymore of this interaction with you sounds daunting and pointless. It will be much easier for me to just take one of them, and erase her from everyone's memory. I would be tempted to let you remember her, so that you will always remember the pain that you had caused your own mother. But then your soul would also be restless. Your soul would be searching for your long lost daughter, and in turn, Friedrick's soul would be searching for you. And I cannot afford to have both Siegfried's, and Friedrick's reincarnated souls finding Odette's. If Friedrick's soul were to also find Odette's, she could end up with both of them in love with her. Having my granddaughter tempting just one of them, will be enough of a challenge. I doubt she would be able to tempt both." Rothbart then looked down at his granddaughters, as their mother cradled them.

"I suppose it does not matter which one of you I take, since you are both essentially the same." He sighed, as he reached down, and took one of the babies from her mother's arms. "But I guess I will take this one." As he held his granddaughter, she soon began to cry.

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