002~Mitch Rapp "ive got you"

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"He was my saviour though he didn't know it."


I ran and i ran and i ran but i could never get away from him, he trailed behind me like a blood hound catching a scent. My feet were numb beneath me but they were still hitting the soft ground under me. I kept my head forward as i ran, the wet pathway stretched on and on into the distance. Rain fell onto my skin and hit the surroundings near my fear stricken body. The menacing footsteps of a stranger growing nearer never further. It felt like I was taking 2 steps forward and he was making 3.

I came to a dead end a brick wall stretched over my head into the sky. I couldn't climb it, go around it, under it, through it. I was trapped again. Trapped in the same place I'd been a million times before. Trapped in my own mind unable to figure out how to free myself from the shackles that were holding me to this nightmare. No not a nightmare a memory.

I turned around to find a faceless man walking my way. His face had no features it was blurry, like a camera lens out of focus. But the more steps he took towards me the clearer his face became. He stopped about 10 feet in front of me and stared at me. Me body was pressed against the wall with nowhere to go, my eyes trained on him and my hands gripping the surface of the wall.

Then he jumped towards me his movements were drastic and not human. His mouth stretched open beyond humanly possible. And his eyes. Those eyes. They were black voids in his head it's not like he didn't have eyes because there was something there; but not eyes.


My body jolted awake as a strained scream came from my mouth. Tears soaked my face and clothes and my hands me face and hair. The screaming didn't stop I couldn't stop it. I wasn't in control of my body yet. He still had it, eventhough I was awake he tugged and pulled at it in my subconscious causing real life pain and reactions. My stomach curled and my head pounded unbearably.

The door burst open and slammed into the door behind it. Then the bed sunk besides me and arms were wrapped around me tightly. Eventually my screaming ceased but the tears didn't. I clutched the strong arms around my body and curled into the mystery man. "Shh shh I've got you y/n it's okay I've got you."


"Yeah it's me I'm here don't worry." He spoke shortly into the top of my head.

"I'm sorry I woke you I didn't mean to it's just-" I was interrupted by him moving my chin to face him.

"You don't have to say sorry it's okay we all get nightmares." His eyes were soft and worried.

"It wasn't a nightmare." He looked at me even more confused now. "It was like a memory I can't forget, every time I fall asleep he's there no matter what I do. I run and run but he catches up and gets me and even when I'm awake I can't get away. I'm in pain and nothing is wrong with me. No scars to show the pain no trauma to show the hurt. He's invisible but I still feel the effects." I look down to my hands and pick at my nails, Mitch just stared at me unsure of what to say or do.

"I'm sorry I bet that made no sense, um you can go back to bed if you want I'll be fine."

"I can stay if you want, you don't exactly look like you wanna be alone right now." He stayed sat on the bed looking at me. I looked up to look at him and smiled. "Thank you. I should probably get a shower first tho I'm drenched in tears." I chucked and he let out a small smile while I walked to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror I was red in the face and my eyes were blood shot I had scratches down my cheeks and nail makes in the palms of my hands from clenching my fists. I tied my hair up and let the water run warm before getting in the shower. The water running down my skin was soothing and washing over all my scratches and old scars form past missions was relaxing my tensed muscles. images of my dreams flashed in front of my face, I say it in the reflection of the water, in the formations of the bubbles on the floor, in the hair scattered across the walls of the shower. Everywhere I looked he was there taunting me, hurting me.

I stepped out the shower and changed into shorts and an oversized T-shirt. Walking out the bathroom I saw Mitch laid on the bed shirtless and looking up at the ceiling with his hands behind his head. His muscles were more defined than ever in the dim light of the room he was in. He must not have noticed I came out because he nearly jumped when I spoke. "You really know how to cheer a girl up don't you Rapp." I smiled and walked over to the bed next to him.

I climbed in the bed and just stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Why are you looking at me like that, what do you want me to hold you make you feel better or something." He was obviously being his usual sarcastic self but I decided to take the opportunity.

"Now that you mention it yeah actually." He looked at me like I had just suggested the most obscene thing ever but I just laughed and laid on his bare chest. After a few seconds he relaxed and put his arm around my back. "Thank you Mitch."
"For what." He whispered
"Being here." He rubbed my back and I sank further into him. I traced over all his scared and scratches from missions. They were like mine some big some small.

Mitch quickly fell asleep and his chest rose and fell under my head and I listened to his heart beat to calm me down. I wasn't going to fall asleep I would t let myself. I didn't want to see it again, I didn't want to be trapped unable to escape again. I'm scared one day he won't only appear in my subconscious but he'll come out and terrorise me in my world. For now I just laid with Mitch and didn't worry about it too much. He was my safe space. He was my saviour though he didn't know it.

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now