020~Joel Dawson "monstrous"

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"A persons last words should always have meaning.
How ironic that mine has multiple"

Waking up to the sound of the alarm running through the bunker wasn't something I was completely used to but it was something I knew to prepare for. Opening my eyes the room I was in was filled with a red flashing and it covered the blueprints infront of me with a crimson cast. I had fallen asleep planning the expansion of the bunker but based on this new breach I wouldn't have to worry about it for a while.

I gathered any weapons nearby and started heading to the main living area where most of my friends were; all holding swords, guns, arrows and more. Immediately we started to put together a plan on where and how the breech happened and headed toward the large metal door ready to take on whatever was in there.

"Wait guys!" I roll my eyes at the recognised voice filling my ears. "What's got in? Where is it? How can I help" not this again.

"Dawson go back to your room." I say flatly and continue toward the door. "Wait what?"

"Joel we have more than enough people just go look around and make sure nothing got in. But notify us if it did, you'll do us all a favour by staying back. For your safety Dawson."

"Pft, safety my ass you know you need all hands on deck we've lost so many people. I'll do more harm staying here than coming with you." For once he's right, it's like a sense of deja vu

The red lights of the alarm clouded my vision and I scrambled to collect my stuff ready for the breech. It was my first month in the bunker since the guys took me in; and my first breach, so I didn't know what to expect. As I made my way to the group everyone started walking to the door. "Guys what's going on." The guy I knew to be Joel stood with a confused look on his face.

A taller man who I think was called Jason turned round and spoke flatly. "You're staying here with  y/n okay. we don't want you getting hurt and you're safer back here we will be back in no time so stay out and stay safe." I nodded but Joel looked torn up but didn't speak .

15 minutes
30 minutes
1 hour

Time passed slower with every moment and we were both getting scared, the guys had been gone a while and we hadn't heard anything from them. Until a crash echoed through the bunker. I shot up but Joel froze in position staring at the door. " come on Joel." I whisper to the shocked boy. He stands but slowly so I grab his hand and creep out of the door toward the sound.

My ears are sand, flowing down to the floor with nothing to shield the dread seeping into my skin. I can't breath, blink, scream or cry. I am paralysed and yet my legs move me onward, I need to help but my hands are fluid. Joel trembles in my hand and I grip tighter not letting my body go from his.

We made it to the main living area of the bunker but it was silent. Too silent. No more crashing, no yelling, no screaming. Nothing. We looked around but saw nothing; that was until a guttural inhuman sound came from down a hallway toward the medical wing. It was like a creaking but it was accompanied by a shriek so I knew it was not normal or safe.

I let go of Joel's hand and slowly walked to the sound but he ripped me back slightly. "Are you crazy?!" He whisper yelled to me. "What? Joel we are the only ones here right now we have to help."

"Look y/n you've been here a month, you don't know how to handle these situations I mean have you ever even seen one of those things. You aren't ready." That pissed me off.

"Yeah and you've been here longer and yet they left you here with the amateur. Why is that Joel? Seen as you're so experienced. I'm helping even if you are too scared to." And with that I walked away to the sound of the vibrating walls down the medical wing. Whatever was making those noises was big I could tell.

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now