016~Stiles Stilinski "car trouble"

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"No no noooo!" Stiles yelled and hit the steering wheel in front of him. Rain pummelled the hood and metal surrounding the car while flashes of lightning illuminated the whole area, thunder shook along the ground simultaneously shaking the car. That mixed with Stiles' explosive rage made me jump in the seat next to him.

"What, what's wrong?" I ask tentatively as to not piss him off more than he clearly is right now.

"The fucking car, waters got into the engine and 'cause of how shitty this damn thing is it's fucked it up and broke down." He yelled again clenching his fists around the wheel. His knuckles turned a ghostly white but his grasp didn't let up and only caused the veins on his arms and hands to pulse in a steady rhythm.

"Okay no need to curse that much Jesus. But can't you just go out and fix it like you always do." I ask not understanding anything about cars but I'm trying to help I guess. He would always talk and talk about his car trying to get people interested but whenever I asked about it he shot me down... like always.

"No y/n I fucking can't. God this is your fault you know I didn't even want to go out in this weather in the first place but here we are."

"Woah don't start that shit with me Stilinski you were the one who offered to pick me up and take me home" I yell.

"Yeah because you're Scott's sister and he's already pissed at me and I didn't need you being a whiny bitch going and telling him I was being a meany and not picking you up." He mocks in a girlish high voice which I was not amused by.

"Oh you asshole. You know what fuck you you've never liked me and you aren't exactly on my top ten list of friends, but your friendship with my brother is not something I care about either. You aren't special stiles. I know because you're this big popular lacrosse player you think that everyone has to kneel in your presence but guess what. Not me, so go back to sucking the dick of everyone you meet so they'll like you because god knows no matter what you say or do I will never like or tolerate you." I scream as he just sits there staring angrily ahead onto the wet road and windshield.

The sound of the rain did nothing to conceal my heavy breathing and you could basically see the steam coming from my ears. He just stays silent, which in this case it terrifying because stiles always has a witty comeback.

"Look there's no point being quiet now. We are stuck here with each other whether we like it or not, so suck up whatever resentment you have for me and stop being a baby-" suddenly a large hand clasped my jaw in a tight death-like grip and my speech was interrupted by a pair of very angry lips smashing onto mine. They were like fire sizzling on my ice cold ones and the sensation sent chills across my entire body. But the shock of it caused me to pull away abruptly and push him off of me.

"What the fuck stiles!?" I yell. In a flurry of anger I push open the car door and basically throw myself out of the vehicle. The rain picked up drastically and I could barely see two inches in front of me but I needed to just walk, walk away from the doubt creeping in my mind, walk away from the frustration coursing through my veins, walk away from him.

The sound of the door slamming behind me flooded my ears on top of the rain and thunder. Through the waves of water hitting my face and the echoes of the storm striking my hearing I could still sense stiles making his way towards me. But I continued forwards.

"Y/N! Wait, please." He yelled but to no avail. My feet carried me away while my mind was running back to him to finish what he started. "Omg y/n just stop!" He yelled once more but this time slamming his fist into the hood of his jeep just like he did to the wheel of the same baby blue car.

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now