012~Stiles Stilinski "Study date." *

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"Guess these will come in handy tonight ;)"


I sat down across from Allison and Scott at the lunch table who were engrossed in their own thrilling conversation. They didn't even notice i was there, but i didn't care all i wanted was to sit down and get this day over with i was sick of the shit ive been thrown these past few days. Ive only been back in beacon hills for a couple weeks at this point and already i want to leave, i moved to live with my dad a year ago and only came back because my dad didn't want me home alone all the time. His job required him to always be away so i didnt even see him which was the whole point of me going to see him.

I was sat silently at the table listening in to their conversation which was about how her dad was out for the weekend and how they should "study." At this point it wasn't cute of funny; everyone knew what studying really was. They were in that stage of their relationship where the mention of anything physical would make them giggle or laugh. So sitting at that table with them was literally hell because neither of them were experienced or knew what they were doing and they were talking about sex like it's some secret they had to keep between them.

Right as I was about to up and leave this pre-pubescent like conversation a frustrated boy slammed himself into the bench beside me. Scott and Allison looked up at stiles then to me who already had all my stuff set out on the table. They shared a look of realisation that it was listening to their conversation and I just smirked.

"I fucking hate Harris and his bullshit tests and homework. GOD!! if I could kill him I would." He practically yelled at us. Slamming his bag on the table and rummaging through it he pulled out a stack of papers and text books.

"Woah a little hostile there Stilinski." I said bluntly and he shot me a glare with narrow eyes. "I got that work too, he's an ass what did you expect. I've been gone for a year with little to no schooling and he sets me this shit. I have it worse than you so." I look down at my own bag stuffed with work.

"Well your lack of school time isn't making my situation any better I have perfect grades but it's still a fucking bore doing all this work." He put his head in his hands and bounced his knee up and down.

"Okay no need to show of your grades jeez. If you really want I'll do the work with you make it a little less boring. And it means I get help too and get the work done." I say glancing over to stiles who is looking at me with an expression I can't figure out.

He lets out a huff before replying. "Sure why not Tess."

"Don't sound to excited will you you look like you're about to jump with joy." He blankly glared at me and I got up and started packing my stuff up ready for the rest of my classes that day. "I'll meet you at your jeep after last period, don't be late." Turning on my heals and walking out I hear Allison and Scott start to talk to Stiles and giggling once again.


The last bell rang signalling that the school day was over. I packed up my stuff from my desk and started heading down the hallway. People headed in different directions some heading towards me and some heading the same way as me. I reached the front doors and walked to Stiles' jeep but he wasn't there like I expected. I leant against the hood of the blue car and waited 10 minutes until the unaware boy strolled out the building towards me.

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