017~Mitch Rapp "scars" *

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"Understand princess?"

"What the fuck Rapp?!!" I yell as both of us clamber into the hotel room door. He make no effort to answer me and instead makes his way over to the couch in the middle of the room. He hissed as he sits as he is covered in scratches and wounds.

"Answer me when I talk to you Rapp, what the hell was that back there I had them but no you just had it yet involved. You could have died do you understand that." My voice was raised so high I'm sure the neighbours from the 5th floor heard us but I was so beyond angry with him and even myself that I couldn't care less. "What you did was reckless and could have ended up killing you."

"Oh so what y/n, it makes no difference does it. If I didn't do what I did you would be dead and I'm sure Stan would rather me die than his own daughter." He yelled back to me.

"Bullshit. That's bullshit and you know it, he didn't know I existed until less than a year ago and you've been with him for nearly 3 years now."

"That doesn't matter. You're his blood no matter how long it's been and I needed to help you, I couldn't just let you die." He looks down as his tone flattens.

"But Mitch you don't need to risk your life to save mine. It's not worth it you got lucky that time but next time-" I was interrupted by him standing up and walking around the room.

"There won't be a next time y/n because you need to learn that your actions effect me too. We're supposed to be partners remember, friends? So no, there won't be a next time because I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and keep you alive got it?" He had stopped pacing now and was staring daggers down at me. He was serious in what he said and it made my stomach do flips. For the past (almost) year me and Mitch had been working together but not once had he said anything that made me believe her cared about me. Until now.

I stood up too and walked towards him. "But why, why do you feel like you need to protect me all the time because from what I see, every time I get hurt you get hurt ten times worse and I hate seeing it so why don't you just leave because one day I'm scared that I'll kill you Mitch. And the thought of you dying because of me scares the shit out of me." Tears pool in my eyes and I look down to the ground feeling defeated.

"Y/n you don't need to worry about me okay I'm fine I've survived this long I'm not going anywhere." Reassuringly he speaks and I look up but he is already walking over to the bathroom. He emerges from it shirtless holding the first aid kit. This isn't the first time I've seen Mitch shirtless but I this is the first I have really taken him in. There are scars covering his body, all of different lengths and colour; there's a large prominent scar on his right shoulder that has now completely healed and formed a jagged circle on his skin. I could tell it was from a bullet, he had told me briefly about the day on the beach with his fiancé Katrina and how she was killed and he was wounded in the process but I never pried him for information because I knew first hand what it was like to lose someone that close to you.

"Here let me do it for you." I say grabbing it from him as he sits on the bed gripping his side.

I grab his hand and move it away, a large purple and yellow bruise lays on his skin concealing his entire right side in a watercolour effect. I press around the bruise to see where the swelling stops and to indicate where to place the bandage. I get a little too close to the bruise though and he hissed in pain while gripping my side and waist. "Sorry, just squeeze if I get too close okay?"

He looks confused by what I said but looks down at his hand clearly not knowing he put it there. He nods however and I clean the area careful not to hurt him and place the bandage over it quickly. "Okay and we are done. Can you stand up and move around to see if you can still move and do stuff?" I ask and he takes a step up and starts twisting his body around, walking and stretching. He seemed to be fine, his face didn't grimace and he didn't hiss in pain like he did before.

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now