009~Dave Hodgman "Say it."

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"Everyone thinks that but they don't know shit."


A knock at my bedroom door woke me from my sleep. "What is it mom I'm trying to sleep." I groggily ask. It was past 10 at this point and I didn't have the energy to move. "It's not your mom." A familiar male voice sounded from the other side of the door.


I shot you and headed to my door. Opening it I found a bruised Dave standing there with tears in his eyes. "Omg what happened to you." I raised my hands to touch his face but he grabbed my wrists and pushed them down. He walked past me not even looking in my eyes.

"Hey what's going on are you okay?" I question to the boy.

"No I'm not okay y/n why didn't you tell me you were getting with Ronnie." He enquired

"What who told you that?" I was shocked at what he was accusing me of. We weren't dating but I still cared about him enough to not dare other guys. We hadn't talked about what we were yet because I think we were both scared. We lost our virginity's to each other and cuddled and kissed like couples do but we hadn't put a label on it.

"Ronnie did. He said you hooked up with him after the party the other night. Is that why you didn't wanna drive home with me?" He looked pissed but hurt at the same time.

"What no Dave you should know I would never do that to you. Yes I was with him but I would never hook up with him. He was upset at something so I stayed and helped him." I confessed

"Well he told me a different story. He told me you were pissed that I wasn't with you a lot at the party so you threw yourself at him to get back at me." I defended.

"What the fuck is wrong with him I didn't do that at all is just pissed I chose you and not him. Trust me I would never ever do that to anyone let alone you." I stepped towards him but he stepped away from me. "You really think that low of me don't you."

"Can you blame me." He asks

"What the hell is that supposed to mean." I yell. Since I was 13 there has been rumour about me being a "slut" and a "whore" it all started because I refused to have my first kiss with some douche bag from my class so he spread around that I fucked him and just left after. Of corse I was the quiet weird kid so everyone believed him. Since then my life has been a basic hell whole, since I met Dave tho he made me feel wanted, he made me feel like I was worth more than a rumour.

"Well after what everyone says about you it doesn't surprise me all that much." I looked at him with shock and tears in my eyes. It looked like he instantly regretted what he said because he walked towards me hastily. He grabbed my hands as I just stared ahead. "What does everyone say about me huh. Say it go on I know your itching to call me it too."

"I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean it it just ca-"

"Enough. You did mean it you meant every word you said Dave. You know I thought that after everything I've been through you wouldn't use it all against me. I though that out of everyone in this shit hole town you would be there for me and believe me but here we are. You standing in my own room calling me a slut accusing my of sleeping with some guy." Tears brimmed my eyes but I didn't let them fall I wasn't going to cry in front of him. He didn't deserve it.

"No y/n I never said that it's just hard right now after he's told me one thing and your saying another and I have no evidence to believe either one of you." He says.

"You shouldn't need evidence you should believe me. For the past couple months I've done nothing but devote myself to you, spent every minute wondering what you would do or what you want or what you wanted from me. Ronnie was a friend who needed help and I provided it by talking to him that's it. But clearly that's not enough of a reason for you to believe me." At this point the tears fell down my face and I couldn't stop them anymore. I didn't want to cry but I had to.

"I believe you okay I believe you I just needed to be sure." He defends. "No dave you don't believe me it's written all over your face I can tell." I step away from his grasp and look down.

"I think you should go."

"What no y/n I'm not leaving like this we need to fix this." Dave says stepping toward me o cow again. I just kept looking down but he cupped my chin and made me look up. "I'm so sorry I ever thought you would do that but I was angry and upset at that moment."

"But that's the thing. It's always I didn't mean it or I know it's not like you, but Dave you just showed me that I'm not first anymore. I'm not the person you believe or come to first. I'm the chore that you don't wanna do." I stare at him with tears rolling down my face once again.

"That's not true y/n please believe me when I say that I want you I will always want you. You were all my first and that will always be with me. I love you y/n. I do and it might be to early but for the past months we have been doing this it's been the pest months of my life." More tease fell from my eyes at his words. I could tell that he meant them but I didn't want to believe them. I couldn't believe that someone could love me after everything that's happened to me.

"You can't Dave you can't love me." I cry

"Watch me. Because I have and I will there is nothing you can do about it." He ducks his head to look in my eyes and he smiles causing me to smile along.

"So basically in the past 10 minutes you've been mad, upset, angry and in love. You are so confusing Dave Hodgman." I chuckle as we look at eachother.

"I know I am but you gotta deal with it cause I ain't going no where." He lowers his face to mine and plants a small hiss on my lips. I wrap my hands around his neck and deepen the kiss.

I put my hands on his face and he winced in pain at the bruise on his face. "You deserve it." I smile. "I know."

"How's it happen?" I question

"Ronnie didn't like what I had to say so he hit me." I roll my eyes at him and kiss him again. This time avoiding the purple mark on his face.

"I love you too Dave." I say against his lips and he grins deepening the kiss again.


Yeah I don't know what this chapter is but I had an idea and wrote it so here this shit show I guess 😂

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