008~Mitch Rapp"get through this."

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"Those cries would be the last thing she expected when taking on this mission."


"For god sake Rapp I told you we shouldn't have gone in there that early. I told you to wait but nooo you had to go in!!" I shouted back as we ran through alley ways and behind buildings. Mitch was wounded in his shoulder, a bullet had grazed his shoulder in combat with the other agents and I had a wound on my upper leg. It wasn't painful but I blame that on the adrenaline running through my shocked body.

"Like I said if we waited any longer they would have seen us and we would be dead. I didn't realise they would comeback that quick and that's my fault but we got away didn't we." He yelled towards me. "Yeah we got away with an injured leg and an arm between us and exhaustion running through us both." I shouted back in response. We had been running for what felt like hours after the ambush we were in we made a run before the rest of the men showed up or before any of the unconscious fools woke up.

Me and Mitch were on a mission together in Moscow, Russia to retrieve information about a potential threat to the safety of a large group of missing people. These people were high class, rich business men and women and their disappearance left even the CIA stunned. There was no leads, no witnesses, no evidence. They just disappeared. That was until a body was found 2 weeks after the disappearance. It had its hands bound and tied and was gagged for what seemed like a long time. The letter H was carved into their forehead and that's when small pieces started to fit together. A large Russian mafia group called "Hellhounds" was seen around the country more often than usual so me and Mitch were appointed to check any locations out that seems to house a lot of their people at once.

This day in particular we arrived at one of these locations and found a large group of men standing around 2-3 people tied to chairs with lights beaming down on them. We waited for hours for anything to change and eventually all the men filtered out of the room after knocking the hostages out and killing one of them for biting back and shouting. This is when Mitch had the ingenious of going in and getting the 2 remaining hostages out. Let's just say this didn't go well and we were ganged up on by about 7 men with knifes. And a couple with guns. During the struggle me and Mitch were shot but managed to kill all the men. Unfortunately both the hostages were shot or stabbed by the men before we could handle them.

And now we were running through the streets of Moscow trying to find a car or anything to get us out of here. "Duck in here." I said while crouching and climbing into the back of an open car on the side of an unmarked street. "So whats the plan." I asked while turning to Mitch who was holding his shoulder and wincing in pain. "I say we go back."
"What!! y/n we barely got out and are wounded, god knows who's following us and you wanna go back. Why?" He started.

"You never know what they had in there. There could be more of the missing people there or at least information to find them. Come on Mitch it's worth a try and we killed all 7 of those men I doubt there's more and if there are we have enough ammo on us to take them." I reply back to him. "Yes it's dangerous and yes we could get hurt but we were put on this mission for a reason and I'll be damned if I don't do what I can to save those people."

"You're just so selfless aren't you." He says with a smile.

"Yup and that's why you love me." I say back to him leaning in to kiss him briefly on the lips. "Yes it is but your also sexy and the only person who likes me so there's another reason."

"Wow you really know how to woo a girl don't you." I laugh while kissing him again trying not to hurt his shoulder. I break the kiss and look at him. "We should go it's gonna be light real soon and I'd rather not watch the sunrise while in handcuffs and a gun to my head."

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now