005~Stiles Stilinski "i love you."

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"I love you too."


"Put the laptop away babe." The familiar voice of my boyfriend hit my ears and I just smiled and kept working. I was submitting a paper to my teacher that was due in tonight. Ive been working on it for hours but stiles wanted to see me so he said he didn't mind waiting a while for me. Little did he know he would be waiting hours.

He's been begging me for ages now to stop writing for a little a give him attention because he was bored. Truth be told I'd been finished for about 1 hour now but I wanted to see how long it would take him to realise and get fed up of asking.

"5 more minutes and I'll be done." I said

"You said that 3 HOURS AGO Y/N." He shouted and all I could do was laugh because it was adorable when he was annoyed.

"Your cute when your mad." I deflected his comment.

"Y/n stop changing the subject and hurry up and finish your dumb assignment."

"It's not my fault you didn't realised I'd finished an hour ago and I've been online shopping while you whine for my attention." I confess and shoot him a cheeky grin.

"WHAT?! Ive been sat her for ages while you finish that stupid paper and you finished an hour ago!" He was definitely mad now.

He crawled towards me from the end of the bed and shut my laptop screen placing it on the floor.

"I didn't get the jeans I wanted give me it back." I pout out me bottom lip and furrowed me brows.

"I don't care. You've been playing me for an hour so now it's my turn to do what I wanna do." He says while holding my face in his hands.

"And what do you wanna do?" I knew what he was going to say but I played along innocently waiting for him to take action.

"I WANNA CUDDLE!! Ive been watching you type on that piece of shit loud ass laptop for HOURS so I want my frickin cuddles." Well that's not what I expected. I just laughed at how passionate he was about this but his face stayed straight. I tilted my head like a puppy and held out my arms for him.

He made his way to me and I wrapped my arms around him as he laid on my chest.

"Happy now, you big baby." I laugh at the boy laying in my arms.

"Very." He nuzzled his head into my body and we laid there just talking about random things for hours. I started my assignment at 2pm and by now it was 7pm. I loved these moments with stiles where we just laid with each other without a care in the world. Don't get me wrong I love when we are intimate or when we are with friends but these moments are just different. I could lay here forever holding him.

"Are you gonna stay the night? It's a Saturday so you don't have to leave early tomorrow." I whisper to the sleepy boy.

"Um yeah if you don't mind."

"Stiles why would I ask if I minded. You're my boyfriend I obviously want you to stay." I reply

"You just want me to stay cause you have no other friends that you spend time with." I laughed and I felt his smile against my stomach.

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't just insult me then and because I love you I'm not going to beat your ass right now." The boy shot up from where he was laying and stared at me in disbelief.

"What. Stiles? Omg is there a spider or something." I shot up myself and jumped up from the bed.

"What no. But you just said I love you." He moved to the edge of the bed now.

"Oh shit. I'm sorry it just slipped out I didn't mean to."

"Why are you sorry you don't need to be. Come here." He pulled me into him so I was sat on his lap straddling him. I put my hands on the back of his neck and hugged him. I did mean what I said. I loved him I was just scared he thought it was too early or he didn't feel the same.

"I love you too." I pulled away and looked in his eyes, they were shining and he was smiling so big I thought his face would rip. I planted a kiss on his lips with so much passion and happiness because I knew he meant it. I placed kisses all over his face kissing all his moles I find so cute. He tried pulling his face away but I keep going at it until he tells me to stop through his laughs.

This was it. This was the happiest I'd ever been. In the arms of my boyfriend who loves me. I was finally getting the happy ending I wanted.

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now