022~Thomas "let me show you." *

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Being one of only two girls in the glade has is benefits but also its drawbacks. Me and Teresa have been close since i came up in the box, i woke up scared surrounded by men i didn't know and she was the one who told me everything and showed me i was okay. She's my best friends along with Newt and Tommy.

I sometimes envy her though, she's the epitome of beautiful and the boys aren't shy in comparing us when no ones is listening. She's tall, slim, has lovely curly hair and beautiful features. Everyone loves her. But me, I'm kind of the opposite.

I'm shorter than her, thicker, shorter straight hair. Not that i don't love myself because i do. Most times. But when i can always feel eyes on me its hard. The boys have never known life outside the glade, non of us have so obviously they are attracted to the beautiful girl in this place. She never pays any attention to any of them and always makes me feel beautiful but being polar opposites its hard to believe anything she says.

I work as a med jack and i love my job, it means i don't have to spend all my time outside in the heat or running or gardening. I help my friends when they need it, mostly tommy because he can't go two second without hurting himself.

"Hey y/n how you doing." Alby walks into the med hut along with Tommy and Minho. "Alby hey! I'm doing good, slow day but it's fine. What brings you here?"

"Well it's gonna be even quieter for a while, the runners and I are headed deeper into the maze to explore a new section that opens tonight." oh god. I hated when they did this. They disappear for days into the maze and im terrified every time thinking they wont come back. "Alby-"

"I know. I know you don't like this but we have to do this you know it." He reasons. "It's only gonna be like two days so we wont be leaving our favourite girl for long." Thomas speaks up and smiles at me. God why does he have to be so cute sometimes. "Ugh fine but if you die I'm killing you all for not only dying but leaving gally in charge while you're gone."

"Umm okay- well we just wanted to let you know before we go, we are going in about an hour." He says before walking out with newt at his side. Thomas walks towards me and smiles. "You'll be fine y/n trust me its only two days. And when we get back I'll make it up to you. Ill get fry pan to make your favourite soup." He winks and i giggle at his stupidity. He's always the one who knows how to make me smile. "Okay fine but please don't get hurt tommy. I don't know what i would do if you were injured or worse-"

" Hey non of that i'll be fine i promise." He hugs me and kisses my forehead before walking out and off to get supplies for the run. God i'd miss him.

*3 hours later*

At dinner i tried to find Teresa but she was no where to be seen, we always sat and ate together but tonight she was gone. I went to go get food from fry pan when i heard my name coming from a nearby hut. I walked over thinking the person needed me but stopped when i heard what they were actually saying. "-have you seen her? She looks like one of those grievers i wouldn't be surprised if they didn't recognise her as their own," This comment was followed with laughter from what sounded like 2-3 people. But it didn't stop there as my eyes filled with tears they carried on. "Who even sent her up? She isn't built for here she can't pull her own weight she works as a med jack for god sake, I mean I'm not complaining it means her get to see less of her and those whale legs." More laughter followed. Safe to say I skipped dinner that night.

I ren back to my hut and knocked into someone on the way. "Hey y/n sorry I'm late i just woke from a nap- hey what's uo are you okay?" Teresa noticed my tears and stopped me from walking away. "I'm fine, I'm just tired okay I'm gonna head to bed-"

Dylan O'Brien//Imagines.Where stories live. Discover now